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S_OR_REN_X (ver 14.4.0)

This table is an extension of the [ReEnrollments] table. These fields are for general use.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary key that relates the extended table back to the ReEnrollments table.

AltEdProgFg15.10.3Number(1,0)Indicates that the student has been placed by the district in an Alternative Education Program(s). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_AltEdProgFg].
AttndDistInstID15.10.3Number(11,0)ODE assigned Institution Identifier for the Attending District.  The District where the student is receiving instruction and where state assessments are administered. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_AttndDistInstID].
AttndSchlInstID15.10.3Number(11,0)ODE assigned Institution Identifier for the Attending School.  The School where the student is receiving instruction and where state assessments are administered. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_AttndSchlInstID].




Indicates that student was NOT born in any state (or Puerto Rico).

DemogFill15.10.3Varchar2(100)Demographic Filler. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_DemogFill].
DstncLrnFg15.10.3Number(1,0)Indicates student participation in a distance learning program or a program that includes online coursework. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_DstncLrnFg].
EconDsvntg15.10.3Number(1,0)Indicates student eligibility for a Free or Reduced Lunch program. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_EconDsvntg].
EnrlGrdCd15.10.3Varchar2(2)Code indicating the enrolled grade level of the student; or a grade level assigned to an ungraded student based on student age. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_EnrlGrdCd].
Fill15.10.3Varchar2(100)Student Filler. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_Fill].
HomeSchlFg15.10.3Number(1,0)Indicates that the student is registered to receive homeschool instruction. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_HomeSchlFg].
IndianEdFg15.10.3Number(1,0)Indicates student participation in a program designed to meet the unique educational and culturally related academic needs of American Indians. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_IndEdFg].
InstFill15.10.3Varchar2(100)Institution Filler. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_InstFill].

Indicates a child who is Limited English Proficient. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_LEPFg].

Note: Renamed to ELFg as of 




Indicates that student has NOT been attending one or more schools in any one or more state for more than three full academic years.

MigrntEdFg15.10.3Number(1,0)Indicates student participation in a program designed to assure that migratory children receive full and appropriate opportunity to meet the state academic content and student academic achievement standards. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_MigrntEdFg].
ResdCnty15.10.3Varchar2(2)Code indicating the county of legal residence of the student's parent or legal guardian or the county of residence of an emancipated minor student. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_ADMResdCnty].
ResdDistInstID15.10.3Number(11,0)ODE assigned Institution Identifier for the Resident District.  The District responsible for the education of the student and also is the basis on which the State School Fund, the Common School Fund, and the County School Fund are distributed to local districts. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_ResdDistInstID].
ResdSchlInstID15.10.3Number(11,0)ODE assigned Institution Identifier for the Resident School.  The School responsible for the education of the student and also is the basis on which the State School Fund, the Common School Fund, and the County School Fund are distributed to local districts. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_ResdSchlInstID].
Sect504Fg15.10.3Number(1,0)Indicates student eligibility for Section 504 services. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_Sect504Fg].
SpEdFg15.10.3Number(1,0)Indicates student participation in an Individualized Education Plan (IEP/IFSP). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_SpEdFg].
state_excludeenrollment15.10.3Number(1,0)Indicates exclusion of enrollment from specific reporting. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.state_excludeenrollment].
StuDeclDirServ15.10.3Number(1,0)Indicates if student declined directory services. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_StuDeclDirServ].
TAGAcdmTlnt_MathFg15.10.3Number(1,0)Indicates that the student scored at or above the 97th percentile on a standardized test of total mathematics. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_TAGAcdmTlntMaFg].
TAGAcdmTlnt_ReadFg15.10.3Number(1,0)Indicates that the student scored at or above the 97th percentile on a standardized test of total reading. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_TAGAcdmTlntRdFg].
TAGCrtvAbltyFg15.10.3Number(1,0)Indicates that the student demonstrated original or nontraditional methods in thinking and producing. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_TAGCrtvAbltyFg].
TAGIntlctGiftFg15.10.3Number(1,0)Indicates that the student scored at or above the 97th percentile on a nationally standardized test of mental ability. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_TAGIntlctGiftFg].
TAGLdrshpAbltyFg15.10.3Number(1,0)Indicates that the student demonstrated ability in motivating the performance of others either in educational or non-educational settings. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_TAGLdrshpAbltyFg].
TAGPotentialFg15.10.3Number(1,0)Indicates that the student demonstrated the potential to perform at the 97th percentile. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_TAGPtntTAGFg].
TAGPrfmArtsAbltyFg15.10.3Number(1,0)Indicates that the student demonstrated ability in dance, music or art. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_TAGPrfmArtsAbltyFg].
TchrFill15.10.3Varchar2(100)Teacher Filler. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_TchrFill].
Title1Fg15.10.3Number(1,0)Indicates the student is being served in a Title I Targeted Assisted School (TAS). Does NOT include students served in a Title I School Wide Program (SWP). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_TAGTitle1Fg].


15.10.3Number(1,0)Indicates a Special Education student of high school or post high school age (up through the age of 21) who has not graduated with a regular diploma and are not working towards a regular or modified diploma. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_TrnstnProgFg].
HSEntrySchlYr 16.7.0Varchar2(4)School year the student entered high school in the format XXYY. (i.e. 0809 for the 2008-2009 school year). Migrated from [Students.OR_HSEntrySchlYr].

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