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S_OR_REN_CTE_X (ver 14.6.0)

This table is an extension of the [Reenrollments] table. These fields are related to Career and Technical Education.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary key that relates the extended table back to the Reenrollments table.

AcdmDsvntgFg15.10.3Number(1,0)Indicates the student is academically disadvantaged and requires special services and assistance in order to succeed. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_PTEAcdmDisadv].
Asmt1AdminDt15.10.3DateThe date the first CTE assessment was administered. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_CTEAsmt1AdminDt].
Asmt1PassCd15.10.3Varchar2(1)The pass status for the first CTE assessment. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_CTEAsmt1PassCd].
Asmt1TypCd15.10.3Varchar2(2)Indicates the first CTE assessment type. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_CTEAsmt1TypCd].
Asmt2AdminDt15.10.3DateThe date the second CTE assessment was administered. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_CTEAsmt2AdminDt].
Asmt2PassCd15.10.3Varchar2(1)The pass status for the second CTE assessment. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_CTEAsmt2PassCd].
Asmt2TypCd15.10.3Varchar2(2)Indicates the second CTE assessment type. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_CTEAsmt2TypCd].
AssessmentIDCode115.10.3Varchar2(10)CTE Technical Skill/Credential Identification Code for first assessment.
AssessmentIDCode215.10.3Varchar2(10)CTE Technical Skill/Credential Identification Code for the second assessment.
CareerRltdLrnExp115.10.3Varchar2(1)Code indicating the first type of Career-Related Learning Experience in which the student participated. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_PTECareerRltdLrnExp1].
CareerRltdLrnExp215.10.3Varchar2(1)Code indicating the second type of Career-Related Learning Experience in which the student participated. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_PTECareerRltdLrnExp2].
CareerRltdLrnExp315.10.3Varchar2(1)Code indicating the third type of Career-Related Learning Experience in which the student participated. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_PTECareerRltdLrnExp3].
CareerRltdLrnExp415.10.3Varchar2(1)Code indicating the fourth type of Career-Related Learning Experience in which the student participated. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_PTECareerRltdLrnExp4].




NCES Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code indicating the career area and program area for the first assessment taken by the student with one implied decimal point (format: XX.XXXX)




NCES Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code indicating the career area and program area for the second assessment taken by the student with one implied decimal point (format: XX.XXXX)

StdntLdrOrg115.10.3Varchar2(1)Code indicating the first type of Student Leadership Organization to which the student belongs. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_PTEStdntLdrOrg1].
StdntLdrOrg215.10.3Varchar2(1)Code indicating the second type of Student Leadership Organization to which the student belongs. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_PTEStdntLdrOrg2].
StdntLdrOrg315.10.3Varchar2(1)Code indicating the third type of Student Leadership Organization to which the student belongs. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_PTEStdntLdrOrg3].
StdntLdrOrg415.10.3Varchar2(1)Code indicating the fourth type of Student Leadership Organization to which the student belongs. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_PTEStdntLdrOrg4].
YrEndStatus15.10.3Varchar2(1)Code indicating the student's status as of the end of the school year. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.OR_PTEYrEndStatus].

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