S_ON_STU_X ver 14.7.0
This table is an extension of the [Students] table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
StudentsDCID | 14.7.0 | Number(10,0) | Primary key that relates the extended table to the [Students] table. |
CTCC_SchoolsDCID | 16.6.0 | Number(11,0) | Foreign key reference to the Schools table. |
Designated_SchoolsDCID | 16.6.0 | Number(11,0) | Foreign key reference to the Schools table. |
Aboriginal_Type | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(3) | Aboriginal Self Identification Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_Aboriginal_Type]. |
AltReportCard | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | Alternate Report Card Flag (Term 1). Migrated from [Students.ON_AltReportCard]. |
AltReportCard2 | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | Alternate Report Card Flag (Term 2). Migrated from [Students.ON_AltReportCard2]. |
Birth_Country | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(3) | Country Of Birth Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_Birth_Country]. |
Birth_Province | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(3) | Province Of Birth Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_Birth_Province]. |
Brd_Res_Status | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(3) | Board Residence Status Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_Brd_Res_Status]. |
Care_Trtmnt_Res | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(3) | Care Treatment Residence Type Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_Care_Trtmnt_Res]. |
Citizenship | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(3) | Country Of Citizenship Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_Citizenship]. |
Cohort_Year | 15.12.0 | VarChar2(4) | Cohort Year (YYYY). |
Counsellor | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(100) | Counselor. Migrated from [Students.ON_Counsellor]. |
Curr_Country | 19.8.2 | VarChar2(3) | Current Country Code. An international student enrolled in an Ontario public school and/or private school. |
Curr_Province | 19.8.2 | VarChar2(3) | Current Province Code. An out of province student enrolled in an Ontario public school and/or private school. |
Custody_Status | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(1000) | Custody Status. Migrated from [Students.ON_Custody_Status]. |
Diploma_Date | 15.8.0 | Date | Diploma Certificate Requirements Met Date. Migrated from [Students.ON_Diploma_Date]. |
Diploma_Type | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(3) | Diploma Certificate Type Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_Diploma_Type]. |
Disengagement_Date | 16.5.0 | Date | Dis-engagement Date. |
DOB_Source_Doc | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(6) | Birth Source Document Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_DOB_Source_Doc]. |
EarlyYrsActivityFactor1Code | 17.10.1 | VarChar2(3) | Main factor #1 in selecting Ontario Early Years Child and Family Centre programs or other activities in the community. (Question 7) |
EarlyYrsActivityFactor2Code | 17.10.1 | VarChar2(3) | Main factor #2 in selecting Ontario Early Years Child and Family Centre programs or other activities in the community. (Question 7) |
EarlyYrsActivityFactor3Code | 17.10.1 | VarChar2(3) | Main factor #3 in selecting Ontario Early Years Child and Family Centre programs or other activities in the community. (Question 7) |
EarlyYrsCareFactor1Code | 17.10.1 | VarChar2(3) | Main factor #1 in choosing Ontario Child Care Center Facility. (Question 3) |
EarlyYrsCareFactor2Code | 17.10.1 | VarChar2(3) | Main factor #2 in choosing Ontario Child Care Center Facility (Question 3). |
EarlyYrsCareFactor3Code | 17.10.1 | VarChar2(3) | Main factor #3 in choosing Ontario Child Care Center Facility (Question 3). |
EarlyYrsKnowledgeYN | 17.10.1 | VarChar2(1) | Were you aware of the Ontario Child Care Facilities? |
ELL_Breaks | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO English Learner Periodic Supervised Breaks Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_ELL_Breaks]. |
ELL_Reading | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO English Learner Verbatim Reading Of Instructions/Questions Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_ELL_Reading]. |
ELL_SmGroupM | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO English Learner Individual/Small Group Setting For Math Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_ELL_SmGroupM]. |
ELL_SmGroupR | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO English Learner Individual/Small Group Setting For Reading Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_ELL_SmGroupR]. |
ELL_SmGroupW | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO English Learner Individual/Small Group Setting For Writing Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_ELL_SmGroupW]. |
ELL_Time | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO English Learner Additional Time Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_ELL_Time]. |
Emerg1_Work_Phone | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(30) | Emergency Contact Work Phone Number. Migrated from [Students.ON_Emerg1_Work_Phone]. |
Entry_Country | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(3) | Previous Country Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_Entry_Country]. |
Entry_Language | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(3) | Previous School Language Type Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_Entry_Language]. |
Entry_Province | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(3) | Previous Province Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_Entry_Province]. |
EQAO_ExemptM | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Math Exemption Flag. Migrated From [Students.ON_EQAO_ExemptM]. |
EQAO_ExemptR | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Reading Exemption Flag. Migrated From [Students.ON_EQAO_ExemptR]. |
EQAO_ExemptW | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Writing Exemption Flag. Migrated From [Students.ON_EQAO_ExemptW]. |
EQAO_NoExpectM | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Math No Expectations Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_EQAO_NoExpectM]. |
EQAO_NoExpectRW | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Reading/Writing No Expectations Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_EQAO_NoExpectRW]. |
Exit_Country | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(3) | Destination Country Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_Exit_Country]. |
Exit_Province | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(3) | Destination Province Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_Exit_Province]. |
ExtendedDayProgram | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(3) | Extended Day Program Type Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_ExtendedDayProgram]. |
First_Language | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(3) | First Language Type Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_First_Language]. |
French_Approval_Date | 15.8.0 | Date | French Admission Committee Approval Date. Migrated from [Students.ON_French_Approval_Date]. |
FTE | 15.8.0 | Number(25,10) | Regular FTE Override. Migrated from [Students.ON_FTE]. |
FT_Mar_Flag | 17.7.1 | Boolean | Indicates whether the student is FT at another school on Mar 31. |
FT_Oct_Flag | 17.7.1 | Boolean | Indicates whether the student is FT at another school on Oct 31. |
Gr9_Board_Flag | 15.12.0 | Number(1,0) | Grade 9 Entry In Current Board Flag. |
Grade_Designation | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(3) | Grade Designation Type Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_Grade_Designation]. |
Graduation_School | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(10) | Graduation School BSID Number. Migrated from [Students.ON_Graduation_School]. |
Gr_Nine_Enroll_Date | 15.8.0 | Date | Date Entered Grade 9. Migrated from [Students.ON_Gr_Nine_Enroll_Date]. |
GuardianRelation | 14.8.0 | VarChar2(15) | STIX Guardian Relationship. |
Guardian_Home_Phone | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(30) | Guardian Home Phone Number. Migrated from [Students.ON_Guardian_Home_Phone]. |
HealthCard_Number | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(20) | Health Card Number. Migrated from [Students.ON_HealthCard_Number]. |
HighCredit_FTE | 15.8.0 | Number(25,10) | High Credit FTE Override. Migrated from [Students.ON_HighCredit_FTE]. |
HomeSchooled | 14.10.0 | VarChar2(1) | Home Schooled Flag. |
Legal_First_Name | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(30) | Legal First Name. Migrated from [Students.ON_Legal_First_Name]. |
Legal_Last_Name | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(50) | Legal Surname. Migrated from [Students.ON_Legal_Last_Name]. |
Legal_Middle_Name | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(30) | Legal Second Name. Migrated from [Students.ON_Legal_Middle_Name]. |
Local_Program | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | Local School Program Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_Local_Program]. |
Mature_Student | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | Mature Student Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_Mature_Student]. |
MIN_Number | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(9) | Ministry Identification Number (MIN). Migrated from [Students.ON_MIN_Number]. |
Not_Main_School_Flag | 16.12.0 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether the school is not the student's Main school. |
OCAS_Flag | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | Include In OCAS Transmission Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_OCAS_Flag]. |
OCAS_Number | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(11) | OCAS Number. Migrated from [Students.ON_OCAS_Number]. |
OSAP | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | Ontario Student Assistance Program Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_OSAP]. |
OSSLT_NonParticpationStatus | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(1) | EQAO OSSLT Exemption/Not Participating Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_OSSLT_NonParticpationStatus]. |
OUAC_Flag | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | Include In OUAC Transmission Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_OUAC_Flag]. |
OUAC_Number | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(11) | OUAC Number. Migrated from [Students.ON_OUAC_Number]. |
OYAP | 14.7.0 | VarChar2(1) | Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) Flag. |
Perm_Country | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(3) | Permanent Country Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_Perm_Country]. |
Perm_Province | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(3) | Permanent Province Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_Perm_Province]. |
Previous_School_Address | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(400) | Previous School Address. Migrated from [Students.ON_Previous_School_Address]. |
Previous_School_Name | | VarChar2(100) | Previous School Name. Migrated from [Students.ON_Previous_School_Name]. |
Receiving_School_Address | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(400) | Receiving School Address. Migrated from [Students.ON_Receiving_School_Address]. |
Receiving_School_Name | | VarChar2(100) | Receiving School Name. Migrated from [Students.ON_Receiving_School_Name]. |
Reengagement_Date | 16.5.0 | Date | Re-engagement Date. |
Refugee_Flag | 18.11.0 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether the student's family entered Canada as refugees. |
Residence_Status | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(3) | Residence Status Code. Migrated from [Student.ON_Residence_Status]. |
Scholarship_Date | 15.8.0 | Date | Ontario Scholarship Approval Date. Migrated from [Students.ON_Scholarship_Date]. |
School_Years | 15.8.0 | Number(11,0) | Years In Ontario Secondary School. Migrated from [Students.ON_School_Years]. |
SE_AccReadGraphic | | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Graphic Text Exemption Flag. |
SE_AccReadGraphic_Gr36 | | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Graphic Text Exemption Flag for Grade 3 and 6 students. |
SE_AudioM | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Math Audio Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_AudioM]. |
SE_AudioR | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Reading Audio Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_AudioR]. |
SE_AudioRec | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Audio Recording Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_AudioRec]. |
SE_AudioW | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Writing Audio Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_AudioW]. |
SE_BrailleM | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(1) | EQAO Special Education Math Braille Version Accommodation Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_BrailleM]. |
SE_BrailleR | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(1) | EQAO Special Education Reading Braille Version Accommodation Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_BrailleR]. |
SE_BrailleR | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(1) | EQAO Special Education Writing Braille Version Accommodation Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_BrailleW]. |
SE_Breaks | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Supervised Breaks Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_Breaks]. |
SE_ComputerM | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Math Computer Response Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_ComputerM]. |
SE_ComputerR | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Reading Computer Response Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_ComputerR]. |
SE_ComputerW | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Writing Computer Response Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_ComputerW]. |
SE_CPaperM | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(1) | EQAO Special Education Math Coloured Paper Version Accommodation Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_CPaperM]. |
SE_CPaperR | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(1) | EQAO Special Education Reading Coloured Paper Version Accommodation Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_CPaperR]. |
SE_CPaperR | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(1) | EQAO Special Education Writing Coloured Paper Version Accommodation Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_CPaperW]. |
SE_Equip | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Adaptive Equipment Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_Equip]. |
SE_LCPaperM | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(1) | EQAO Special Education Math LP Coloured Paper Version Accommodation Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_LCPaperM]. |
SE_LCPaperR | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(1) | EQAO Special Education Reading LP Coloured Paper Version Accommodation Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_LCPaperR]. |
SE_LCPaperW | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(1) | EQAO Special Education Writing LP Coloured Paper Version Accommodation Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_LCPaperW]. |
SE_LPrintM | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Math Large Print Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_LPrintM]. |
SE_LPrintR | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Reading Large Print Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_LPrintR]. |
SE_LPrintR | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Writing Large Print Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_LPrintW]. |
SE_Other | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Other Accommodations Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_Other]. |
SE_PresDevM | 18.2.0 | VarChar2(1) | EQAO Special Education Math Presentation Device Accommodation Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_PresDevM]. |
SE_PresDevR | 18.2.0 | VarChar2(1) | EQAO Special Education Reading Presentation Device Accommodation Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_PresDevR]. |
SE_PresDevW | 18.2.0 | VarChar2(1) | EQAO Special Education Writing Presentation Device Accommodation Code. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_PresDevW]. |
SE_PromptsM | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Math Prompts Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_PromptsM]. |
SE_PromptsR | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Reading Prompts Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_PromptsR]. |
SE_PromptsW | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Writing Prompts Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_PromptsW]. |
SE_Reading | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Verbatim Reading Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_Reading]. |
SE_RespAudioM | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Math Response Audio Recoding Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_RespAudioM]. |
SE_RespAudioR | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Reading Response Audio Recoding Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_RespAudioR]. |
SE_RespAudioW | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Writing Response Audio Recoding Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_RespAudioW]. |
SE_ScriptM | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Math Response Scribing Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_ScriptM]. |
SE_ScriptR | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Reading Response Scribing Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_ScriptR]. |
SE_ScriptW | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Writing Response Scribing Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_ScriptW]. |
SE_Seating | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Preferential Seating Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_Seating]. |
SE_SignLM | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Math Sign Language Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_SignLM]. |
SE_SignLR | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Reading Sign Language Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_SignLR]. |
SE_SignLW | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Writing Sign Language Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_SignLW]. |
SE_SmGroupM | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Math Small Group Setting Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_SmGroupM]. |
SE_SmGroupR | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Reading Small Group Setting Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_SmGroupR]. |
SE_SmGroupW | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Writing Small Group Setting Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_SmGroupW]. |
SE_Time | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Additional Time Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_Time]. |
SE_Time2 | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Double Time Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_Time2]. |
SE_VideoRec | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Special Education Response Video Recording Accommodation Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SE_VideoRec]. |
SP_Moved | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO New/Moved Student Accommodations Special Permission Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SP_Moved]. |
SP_NotDescribed | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | EQAO Accommodations Not Described In IEP Special Permission Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SP_NotDescribed]. |
SP_Temporary | 15.8.0 | Number(1.0) | EQAO Temporary CircumstancyearSurveyCompletede Accommodations Special Permission Flag. Migrated from [Students.ON_SP_Temporary]. |
StudentPaidBy | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(100) | Other Pupil Paid By Name. Migrated by [Students.ON_StudentPaidBy]. |
YearSurveyCompleted | 17.10.1 | VarChar2(9) | Year the survey was completed. |
Year_Of_Entry | 15.8.0 | VarChar2(7) | Year And Month Of Entry Into Canada (YYYY/MM). Migrated from [Students.ON_Year_Of_Entry]. |
Gender_Identity_Code | | VarChar2(40) | Gender identity code from the gender child table when the gender O (Other) is selected. |
Gender_Identity_Desc | | VarChar2(500) | Gender identity description when the gender S (prefer to specify) is selected. |
Exclude_Holidays | | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether holidays and weekends are excluded to calculate the student's days resided at CTCC Facility |
Days_In_Facility | | Number(3,0) | Number of days student resided at a CTCC facility |
Status_CardNumber | | VarChar2(13) | Student’s Indian Status Card Number. |
transcriptentrydate | | Date | Transcript Entry Date is entered on the earliest enrolment where the enrolment Entry Date is not the actual date the student arrived at the school and should be overridden. |
optedOutOnlineLearnReq | | Number(1,0) | To Track students opted out of Online Learning Graduation Requirement for OSSD. Acceptable values are 0,1 and Null. |
PREVIOUS_SCHOOL_BSID | | NUMBER(11,0) | To store Previous School BSID value. |
RECEIVING_SCHOOL_BSID | | NUMBER(11,0) | To store Receiving School BSID value |
gr_nine_enroll_dt_outsideON | | Date | Date Entered Grade 9 Outside of Ontario |
StudentMetOnlineLearnReq | | Number(1,0) | Student Met the Online Learning Graduation Requirement |
OtherBrdScholarshipFlg |
| Number(1,0) | Scholarship Approved by Another Board: used to indicate that the scholarship date should not be reported by this board. |