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S_ON_REN_X ver 15.8.0

This table is an extension of the [ReEnrollments] table.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary key that relates the extended table to the [ReEnrollments] table.


Foreign key reference to the Schools table. The referenced school must be one for which [Schools]ON_Section23_Flag is true. Data in a CTCC submission is reported using the BSID for the referenced school. If undefined, the data in a CTCC submission is reported using the BSID of the school for which the submission is run.


Foreign key reference to the Schools table. The referenced school must not be one for which [Schools]ON_Section23_Flag is true. The BSID for the referenced school is reported to OnSIS as the designated school number. If undefined, the value of [S_ON_SCH_X]Designated_SchoolsDCID is used to determine a CTCC student's designated school number.

AltReportCard15.8.0Number(1,0)Alternate Report Card Flag (Term 1). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ON_AltReportCard].
AltReportCard215.8.0Number(1,0)Alternate Report Card Flag (Term 2). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ON_AltReportCard2].
Brd_Res_Status15.8.0Varchar2(3)Board Residence Status Code. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ON_Brd_Res_Status].
Care_Trtmnt_Res15.8.0Varchar2(3)Care Treatment Residence Type Code. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ON_Care_Trtmnt_Res].
Entry_Country15.8.0Varchar2(3)Previous Country Code. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ON_Entry_Country].
Entry_Language15.8.0Varchar2(3)Previous School Language Type Code. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ON_Entry_Language].
Entry_Province15.8.0Varchar2(3)Previous Province Code. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ON_Entry_Province].
Exit_Country15.8.0Varchar2(3)Destination Country Code. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ON_Exit_Country].
Exit_Province15.8.0Varchar2(3)Destination Province Code. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ON_Exit_Province].
ExtendedDayProgram15.8.0Varchar2(3)Extended Day Program Type Code. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ON_ExtendedDayProgram].
FTE15.8.0Number(25,10)Regular FTE Override. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ON_FTE].
Grade_Designation15.8.0Varchar2(3)Grade Designation Type Code. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ON_Grade_Designation].
HighCredit_FTE15.8.0Number(25,10)High Credit FTE Override. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ON_HighCredit_FTE].
Local_Program15.8.0Number(1,0)Local School Program Flag. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ON_Local_Program].
Previous_School_Address15.8.0Varchar2(400)Previous School Address. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ON_Previous_School_Address].
Previous_School_Name22.5.3Varchar2(100)Previous School Name. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ON_Previous_School_Name].
Receiving_School_Address15.8.0Varchar2(400)Receiving School Address. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ON_Receiving_School_Address].
Receiving_School_Name22.5.3Varchar2(100)Receiving School Name. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ON_Receiving_School_Name].
Residence_Status15.8.0Varchar2(3)Residence Status Code. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ON_Residence_Status].
StudentPaidBy15.8.0Varchar2(100)Other Pupil Paid By Name. Migrated by [ReEnrollments.ON_StudentPaidBy].
Disengagement_Date16.5.0DateDis-engagement Date.
Reengagement_Date16.5.0DateRe-engagement Date.


Booleanif checked indicates that the school is not student's Main school
FT_Oct_Flag17.7.1BooleanCheck this box if the student is FT at another school on Oct 31. This field should only be set if the value calculated by the system for provincial reports is to be overridden.
FT_Mar_Flag17.7.1BooleanCheck this box if the student is FT at another school on Mar 31. This field should only be set if the value calculated by the system for provincial reports is to be overridden.
Curr_Country19.8.2.0Varchar2(3) Current Country Code. An international student enrolled in an Ontario public school and/or private school.
Curr_Province19.8.2.0Varchar2(3) Current Province Code. An out of province student enrolled in an Ontario public school and/or private school.
transcriptentrydate22.2.2.0DateTranscript Entry Date is entered on the earliest enrolment where the enrolment Entry Date is not the actual date the student arrived at the school and should be overridden.
PREVIOUS_SCHOOL_BSID22.5.3.0NUMBER(11,0)To store Previous School BSID value
RECEIVING_SCHOOL_BSID22.5.3.0NUMBER(11,0)To store Receiving School BSID value
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