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S_ON_GEN_SpecProg_X ver 15.8.0

This table is an extension of the [Gen] table.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary key that relates the extended table to the [Gen] table.

ESL_Flag15.8.0Number(1,0)ESL/ELD Program Flag. Migrated from [Gen.ON_ESL_Flag].
FR_Exempt_Flag15.8.0Number(1,0)French Exemption Program Plan (IEP) Flag. Migrated from [Gen.ON_FR_Exempt_Flag].
French_Flag15.8.0Number(1,0)French Program Flag. Migrated from [Gen.ON_French_Flag].
NativeLang_Flag15.8.0Number(1,0)Native Language Program Flag. Migrated from [Gen.ON_NativeLang_Flag].
OST_Flag15.8.0Number(1,0)Available For Ontario Student Transcript (OST)/Status Sheet Flag. Migrated from [Gen.ON_OST_Flag].
SAL_Flag15.8.0Number(1,0)Structured Alternative Learning (SAL) Program Flag. Migrated from [Gen.ON_SAL_Flag].
SAL_Program_Type15.8.0Varchar2(3)Structured Alternative Learning (SAL) Program Type Code. Migrated from [Gen.ON_SAL_Program_Type].
SHSM_Flag15.8.0Number(1,0)Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) Program Flag. Migrated from [Gen.ON_SHSM_Flag].
Expulsion_Flag15.11.0Number(1,0)Expulsion Program Flag.
In_Risk_Flag16.5.0Number(1,0)In Risk Program Flag.

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