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Column NameVersionData TypeDescription
ID23.9.1.0Number(11,0)Primary key



Year ID relates to the  [Terms] table yearID

OnSIS_Oct_Start_Date23.9.1.0DateStart date for the October submission period.
OnSIS_Oct_Dat23.9.1.0DateOctober OnSIS submissions Count Date
OnSIS_Mar_Date23.9.1.0DateMarch OnSIS submissions Count Date
OnSIS_Jun_Date23.9.1.0DateJune OnSIS submissions Count Date
OnSIS_Aug_Date23.9.1.0DateCount date for Summer and Night OnSIS submissions
OnSIS_CTCC_Date23.9.1.0Date ECPP OnSIS submissions Count Date
WhoCreated23.9.1.0VarChar2(100) Who created the record
WhenCreated23.9.1.0TimeStamp(6) When record was created
WhoModified23.9.1.0VarChar2(100)Who modified the record
WhenModified23.9.1.0TimeStamp(6) When was the record modified
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