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S_ON_CRS_X ver 16.12.1

This table is an extension of the [Courses] table.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary key that relates the extended table to the [Courses] table




Continuing Education Register Code

Course_Offering14.8.0Varchar2(2)Continuing Education Register Course Offering Code
ConEd_Course_Type14.8.0Varchar2(2)Continuing Education Register Course Type Code (not used as of ver 15.3.0)

Continuing Education Register Number Of Lessons/Work Units for a Completed Course

Valid Values - Null, 1 - 20.   

Zero is not a valid value.

SmallClassAdjustmentEligible14.9.0Varchar2(1)Continuing Education Register Eligible for Small Class Adjustment Flag


Independent Study Number of Scheduled Teacher Contact Sessions (required to complete course) - drop-down with range of 10 to 30

Independent Study Duration of each Scheduled Teacher Contact session (minutes)


Independent Study Number of Work Units (required to complete course) - drop-down with range of 1 to 30

Default to  Null if you don't want to set it to a number between this range

ConEd_DeliveryCode15.2.0Varchar2(1)Continuing Education Register Delivery Code
ConEd_InternationalLanguage15.3.0Varchar2(3)Continuing Education International Language Code
Instruction_Lang16.3.0Varchar2(3)Language Of Instruction Code. Migrated from [Courses.ON_Instruction_Lang].
Compulsory16.3.0Number(1,0)Compulsory Flag. Migrated from [Courses.ON_Compulsory].
Course_Name17.6.0Varchar2(150)Course Name. Migrated from [Courses.ON_Course_Name].
Course_Type16.3.0Varchar2(1)Course Type Code. Migrated from [Courses.ON_Course_Type].
Institution16.3.0Varchar2(6)Institution Code. Migrated from [Courses.ON_Institution].
Lang_Pgm_Type16.3.0Varchar2(1)Language Program Type Code. Migrated from [Courses.ON_Lang_Pgm_Type].
Subject_Type16.3.0Varchar2(3)Subject Type Code. Migrated from [Courses.ON_Subject_Type].
Transcript_A16.3.0Number(1,0)Alternative Expectations Note Flag. Migrated from [Courses.ON_Transcript_A].
Transcript_C16.3.0Number(1,0)Co-op Note Flag. Migrated from [Courses.ON_Transcript_C].
Transcript_F16.3.0Number(1,0)French Note Flag. Migrated from [Courses.ON_Transcript_F].
Transcript_I16.3.0Number(1,0)Interdisciplinary Studies Note Flag. Migrated from [Courses.ON_Transcript_I].
Transcript_M16.3.0Number(1,0)Modified Curriculum Note Flag. Migrated from [Courses.ON_Transcript_M].
Transcript_S16.3.0Number(1,0)Special Circumstances Note Flag. Migrated from [Courses.ON_Transcript_S].
Transcript_T16.3.0Number(1,0)Team Taught Dual Credit Note Flag. Migrated from [Courses.ON_Transcript_T].
OtherLanguageDesc16.6.0Varchar2(100)A description identifying the 'other' language. This field is used when ConEd_InternationalLanguage has a value of 'OTH'.
TimeOfDayType16.6.0Varchar2(2)Time of Day for an International Language Elementary (ILE) class.
ILE_ConEd_DeliveryCode16.12.1Varchar2(1)Continuing Education Register for International Language Elementary (ILE) Delivery Code
CalcRepeatsOnCrsNum20.11.2.0Number(1,0)Calculate Repeats on Course Number Flag.

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