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S_ON_Assign_Class_C ver 17.9.0

This table is a child table of S_ON_SSF_Educator_Assign_C and stores educator assignments.

Column NameVersionData TypeDescription




Record ID. Migrated from [ON_Assign_Class.unique_ID].

SchoolID17.9.0Number(11,0)School ID. Migrated from [ON_Assign_Class.schoolID].
foreignKey17.9.0Number(11,0)Reserved for future use. Migrated from [ON_Assign_Class.foreignKey].
foreignKey_alpha17.9.0Varchar2(31)Reserved for future use. Migrated from [ON_Assign_Class.foreignKey_alpha].
ClassID17.9.0Number(11,0)Class ID. Migrated from [ON_Assign_Class.user_defined_integer].
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