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S_OK_STU_X (ver 15.8.0)

This table is an extension of the Students table.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary Key

AdmissionBasis15.8.0Varchar2(10)Identifies the student’s basis of admission. Migrated from [Students.AdmissionBasis].
BirthAuthority15.8.0Varchar2(1)Indicates birth documentation source. Migrated from [Students.BirthAuthority].
BirthCountry15.8.0Varchar2(2)Student’s birth country. Migrated from [Students.BirthCountry].
OHP15.8.0Varchar2(1)Indicates the student’s Out-of-Home Placement (OHP) status. Migrated from [Students.OHP].

Indicates if student meets the criteria for ACE Core Curriculum. Migrated from [Students.OK_ACE_Core_Curriculum].

AcademicDisadvantage15.8.0Varchar2(3)Indicates if student has a Academically Disadvantaged. Migrated from [Students.OK_AcademicDisadvantage].
AccreditedSchool15.8.0Number(11,0)Indicates the student’s accredited school and is required only if the student is enrolled in a non-accredited school. Migrated from [Students.OK_AccreditedSchool].
AliasFirstName15.8.0Varchar2(20)Student’s alias first name. Migrated from [Students.OK_Alias_First_Name].
AliasLastName15.8.0Varchar2(35)Student’s alias last name. Migrated from [Students.OK_Alias_Last_Name].
AliasMiddleName15.8.0Varchar2(12)Student’s alias middle name. Migrated from [Students.OK_Alias_Middle_Name].
AltEdInd15.8.0Varchar2(3)Indicates if the student meets the state’s definition for Alternative Education. Migrated from [Students.OK_AltEd_Ind].
BilingualStatus15.8.0Varchar2(3)Indicates if student meets the state’s definition for State Bilingual Status. Migrated from [Students.OK_Bilingual_Status].
BirthCity15.8.0Varchar2(35)Student’s birth city. Migrated from [Students.OK_BirthCity].
BirthState15.8.0Varchar2(2)Student’s birth state. Migrated from [Students.OK_BirthState].
BusinessCode15.8.0Varchar2(5)Indicates the name of the company/employer if the student is “sponsored” by the industry or place of employment. Migrated from [Students.OK_BusinessCode].
DHSCustody15.8.0Varchar2(3)Indicates if the student is in DHS custody. Migrated from [Students.OK_DHSCustody].
Delinquent15.8.0Varchar2(3)Indicates if the student meets the state’s definition for Neglected/Delinquent. Migrated from [Students.OK_Delinquent].
DevelopmentalDelay15.8.0Varchar2(2)Indicates the developmental delay of a student. Migrated from [Students.OK_DevelopmentalDelay].
DisabilityCode15.8.0Varchar2(2)Indicates if student has a Disability. Migrated from [Students.OK_DisabilityCode].
DisplacedHomemaker15.8.0Varchar2(3)Indicates if student is a Displaced Homemaker. Migrated from [Students.OK_DisplacedHomemaker].
ELL15.8.0Varchar2(4)English language learner status for the student. Migrated from [Students.OK_ELL].
ELLLanguageCode15.8.0Varchar2(3)Primary language if the student ELL status is Yes. Migrated from [Students.OK_ELL_Language_Code].
ELLLanguageOtherCode15.8.0Varchar2(3)Miscellaneous Language Code is required if ELL Language Code is MIS. Migrated from [Students.OK_ELL_Language_OtherCode].
ELLMonYear115.8.0DateDate for the 1st year of ELL monitoring. Migrated from [Students.OK_ELL_Mon_Year1].
ELLMonYear215.8.0DateDate for the 2nd year of ELL monitoring. Migrated from [Students.OK_ELL_Mon_Year2].
ELLMonYear315.8.0DateDate for the 3rd year of ELL monitoring. Migrated from [Students.OK_ELL_Mon_Year3].
ELLProf15.8.0Varchar2(2)ELL proficiency status of the student. Migrated from [Students.OK_ELL_Prof].
EconomicDisadvantage15.8.0Varchar2(3)Indicates if student has a Economically Disadvantaged. Migrated from [Students.OK_Economic_Disadvantage].
EducationLevel15.8.0Varchar2(2)Indicates the education level of the student. Migrated from [Students.OK_EducationLevel].
EnglishProfOther15.8.0Varchar2(2)Display-only field calculated from the ELL Proficiency and State Bilingual status. Migrated from [Students.OK_English_Prof_Other].
ExtraCurricular15.8.0Varchar2(3)Indicates if the student participated in any extracurricular activities in the current school year. Migrated from [Students.OK_ExtraCurricular].
FeederSchool15.8.0Varchar2(10)For secondary students, use the State Department of Education’s school site code that represents the feeder school in which the student is enrolled. Migrated from [Students.OK_FeederSchool].
FosterCare15.8.0Varchar2(3)Indicates if the student is in foster care. Migrated from [Students.OK_FosterCare].
Gifted15.8.0Varchar2(3)Indicates if student meets the state’s definition for Gifted Talented. Migrated from [Students.OK_Gifted].
GiftedTalentedIdentified15.8.0Varchar2(5)Indicates the gifted talented status of the student. Migrated from [Students.OK_GiftedTalentedIdentified].
GradeCode15.8.0Varchar2(3)Indicates if the student is in pre-kindergarten or in an unspecified grade level. No longer used by application. Migrated from [Students.OK_GradeCode].

Student’s actual graduation date. Migrated from [Students.OK_Graduation_Date].

GrdLvlCollect15.8.0Varchar2(2)Grade level at collection of IEPP Information. Migrated from [Students.OK_GrdLvlCollect].
Homeless15.8.0Varchar2(3)Indicates if the student meets the state’s definition for Homeless. Migrated from [Students.OK_Homeless].
HomelessMcKinneyVento15.8.0Varchar2(3)Indicates if the student is served by McKinney-Vento sub-grants during this current school year. Migrated from [Students.OK_HomelessMcKinneyVento].
HomelessUnaccompaniedYouth15.8.0Varchar2(3)Indicates if the student is considered as a homeless unaccompanied youth. Migrated from [Students.OK_HomelessUnaccompaniedYouth].

Indicates if student meets the state’s definition for IDEA. Migrated from [Students.OK_IDEA].


Indicates student participation in the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) program. Migrated from [Students.OK_IEPP01].


Indicates student participation in the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) program. Migrated from [Students.OK_IEPP02].


Indicates student participation in the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) program. Migrated from [Students.OK_IEPP03].


Indicates student participation in the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) program. Migrated from [Students.OK_IEPP04].


Indicates student participation in the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) program. Migrated from [Students.OK_IEPP05].


Indicates student participation in the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) program. Migrated from [Students.OK_IEPP06].

Immigrant15.8.0Varchar2(3)Indicates if student meets the state’s definition for Immigrant. Migrated from [Students.OK_Immigrant].
LanguageType15.8.0Varchar2(3)Indicates the type of language used by the student. Migrated from [Students.OK_Language_Type].
LunchEligibilityDetermination15.8.0Varchar2(3)Indicates the criteria used for determining student's lunch eligibility. Migrated from [Students.OK_LunchEligibilityDetermination].
Migrant15.8.0Varchar2(3)Indicates if student meets the state’s definition for Migrant. Migrated from [Students.OK_Migrant].
NAILanguage15.8.0Varchar2(3)Native American Indian (NAI) language if the ELL Language Code is NAI. Migrated from [Students.OK_NAI_Language].
NDAtRisk15.8.0Varchar2(3)Indicates if the student is served in an LEA Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 At-Risk program or facility during this current school year. Migrated from [Students.OK_NDAtRisk].
NDJuvenileCorrections15.8.0Varchar2(3)Indicates if the student is served in an LEA Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 Juvenile Detention program or facility during this current school year. Migrated from [Students.OK_NDJuvenileCorrections].
NDJuvenileDetention15.8.0Varchar2(3)Indicates if the student is served in an LEA Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 Neglected program or facility during this current school year. Migrated from [Students.OK_NDJuvenileDetention].
NDOther15.8.0Varchar2(3)Indicates if the student is served in an LEA Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 Juvenile Corrections program or facility during this current school year. Migrated from [Students.OK_NDOther].
OtherExitCode15.8.0Varchar2(5)Other exit code of the student and is required only if student is withdrawn. Migrated from [Students.OK_Other_Exit_Code].
PrimaryDisabilityCode15.8.0Varchar2(4)Indicates the Primary Disability of a student. Migrated from [Students.OK_PrimaryDisabilityCode].
PrimaryNightTimeRes15.8.0Varchar2(3)The primary nighttime residence status of the homeless student. Migrated from [Students.OK_PrimaryNightTimeRes].
ProvideToCareerTech15.8.0Varchar2(3)Indicates if student record data is supplied to the Career and Technology centers. Migrated from [Students.OK_ProvideToCareerTech].
ProvideToSEAS15.8.0Varchar2(3)Indicates if student data is supplied to the SEAS program. Migrated from [Students.OK_ProvideToSEAS].
SchYrCollect15.8.0Varchar2(10)School year at collection of IEPP Information. Migrated from [Students.OK_SchYrCollect].
Section50415.8.0Varchar2(3)Indicates if student meets the state’s definition for Section 504. Migrated from [Students.OK_Section504].
SingleParent15.8.0Varchar2(3)Indicates if student has a Single Parent. Migrated from [Students.OK_SingleParent].
NameSuffix15.8.0Varchar2(3)Student’s name suffix. Migrated from [Students.OK_Suffix_Name].
TechnologicallyLiterate15.8.0Varchar2(3)Indicates if the student is technologically literate. Migrated from [Students.OK_TechnologicallyLiterate].
Title115.8.0Varchar2(3)Indicates if student meets the state’s definition for Title 1. Migrated from [Students.OK_Title1].
VocationalConcentrator15.8.0Varchar2(3)Indicates if student meets the state’s definition for Vocational Concentrator. Migrated from [Students.OK_Vocational_Concentrator].
MembershipStatus15.8.0Varchar2(2)Indicates the student’s membership status (AM/PM/Full Day). Migrated from [Students.Status_for_KG].
BusFirstRide15.8.0DateDate the student first received transportation. Migrated from [Students.bus_first_ride].
Resident15.8.0Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student is a resident in the district. Migrated from [Students.resident].
TransportStatus15.8.0Varchar2(2)Indicates the student’s transportation status. Migrated from [Students.transport_status].
StudentNumber15.8.0Varchar2(13)Indicates that the local student number is used to override PowerSchool’s student number. Migrated from [Students.OK_StudentNumber].
ArmedForces15.10.0Varchar2(3)Indicates that the student has a parent or legal guardian who is a member of the Armed Forces of the United States.
Reserve15.10.0Varchar2(3)Indicates that the student has a parent or legal guardian who is a member of the Reserve Component of the Armed Forces of the United States.
NationalGuard15.10.0Varchar2(3)Indicates that the student has a parent or legal guardian who is a member of the Army National Guard of the United States.

Provides the ability to override the value set in the Lunch Status field.

Language117.7.0Varchar2(3)Indicates language most spoken by student
Language217.7.0Varchar2(3)Indicates language routinely spoken at home, regardless of language spoken by student.
Language317.7.0Varchar2(3)Indicates language first learned by student.
NAILanguage117.7.0Varchar2(3)Indicates Native American language most spoken by student.
NAILanguage217.7.0Varchar2(3)Indicates Native American language routinely spoken at home, regardless of language spoken by student.
NAILanguage317.7.0Varchar2(3)Indicates Native American language first learned by student.
OtherLanguage117.7.0Varchar2(3)Indicates other language most spoken by student.
OtherLanguage217.7.0Varchar2(3)Indicates other language routinely spoken at home, regardless of language spoken by student.
OtherLanguage317.7.0Varchar2(3)Indicates other language first learned by student.
EnglishLearnerIntStrategy22.9.2Varchar2(3)Indicates English Learner Intervention Strategy.

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