S_OK_SCH_X (ver 15.8.0)
This table is an extension of the Schools table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
SchoolsDCID | 15.8.0 | Number(10,0) | Primary Key |
AccreditedSchoolsList | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(255) | List of accredited School IDs for the schools supported by a non-accredited school with a Multiple status. Migrated from [Schools.OK_AccreditedSchoolsList]. |
AccreditedStatus | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates the accreditation status of the school. Migrated from [Schools.OK_AccreditedStatus]. |
CalEndDate | 15.8.0 | Date | Last day that teachers and staff are in school (including non-instructional time). Migrated from [Schools.OK_Cal_EndDate]. |
CalStartDate | 15.8.0 | Date | First day that teachers and staff return to school (including non-instructional time). Migrated from [Schools.OK_Cal_StartDate]. |
Contact1Email | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(35) | First contact’s email as it should appear in a directory. Migrated from [Schools.OK_Contact1Email]. |
Contact1FAX | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(15) | First contact’s FAX number as it should appear in a directory. Migrated from [Schools.OK_Contact1FAX]. |
Contact1Name | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(35) | First contact’s name as it should appear in a directory. Migrated from [Schools.OK_Contact1Name]. |
Contact1Phone | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(15) | First contact’s phone number as it should appear in a directory. Migrated from [Schools.OK_Contact1Phone]. |
Contact1Title | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(50) | First contact’s title as it should appear in a directory. Migrated from [Schools.OK_Contact1Title]. |
Contact2Email | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(35) | Second contact’s email as it should appear in a directory. Migrated from [Schools.OK_Contact2Email]. |
Contact2FAX | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(15) | Second contact’s FAX number as it should appear in a directory. Migrated from [Schools.OK_Contact2FAX]. |
Contact2Name | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(35) | Second contact’s name as it should appear in a directory. Migrated from [Schools.OK_Contact2Name]. |
Contact2Phone | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(15) | Second contact’s phone number as it should appear in a directory. Migrated from [Schools.OK_Contact2Phone]. |
Contact2Title | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(50) | Second contact’s title as it should appear in a directory. Migrated from [Schools.OK_Contact2Title]. |
InstrMinutes | 15.8.0 | Number(11,0) | The total minutes of instruction for the school year. Migrated from [Schools.OK_Instr_Minutes]. |
LunchMinutes | 15.8.0 | Number(11,0) | The total number of minutes per day allocated for lunch. Migrated from [Schools.OK_LunchMinutes]. |
MinutesPerDay | 15.8.0 | Number(11,0) | The total instruction minutes for a normal in session day. Migrated from [Schools.OK_MinutesPerDay]. |
NCESId | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(12) | The NCES-assigned identifier for this school. Migrated from [Schools.OK_NCESId]. |
NonAccreditedSchoolSupport | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(1) | The school support status for a non-accredited school. Migrated from [Schools.OK_NonAccreditedSchoolSupport]. |
TermType | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(4) | Type of Term/Session for this school. Migrated from [Schools.OK_Term_Type]. |
Title1Status | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(10) | Indicates the Title 1 Status of the school. Migrated from [Schools.OK_TitleOneStatus]. |
Website | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(100) | The school’s public website address. Migrated from [Schools.OK_Website]. |
CTESchool | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates that school is a Career and Technology Education (CTE) school. Migrated from [Schools.OK_CTESchool]. |
Q1EndDate | 16.7.2 | Date | First quarter end date is the calendar date marking the end of the first nine weeks. This is used to determine date range for first quarter of all Attendance reports. |
CalendarDescription | 16.7.2 | Varchar2(50) | Description of the school calendar. Pre-defined values are used to flag exception calendars, but field will also accept any text. |
ClassRankWeightedId | 22.8.2 | Number(10,0) | Id from the gen table for the Weighted Class Rank |
ClassRankUnweightedId | 22.8.2 | Number(10,0) | Id from the gen table for the UnWeighted Class Rank |