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S_OK_SCH_X (ver 15.8.0)

This table is an extension of the Schools table.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary Key

AccreditedSchoolsList15.8.0Varchar2(255)List of accredited School IDs for the schools supported by a non-accredited school with a Multiple status. Migrated from [Schools.OK_AccreditedSchoolsList].
AccreditedStatus15.8.0Varchar2(1)Indicates the accreditation status of the school. Migrated from [Schools.OK_AccreditedStatus].

Last day that teachers and staff are in school (including non-instructional time). Migrated from [Schools.OK_Cal_EndDate].


First day that teachers and staff return to school (including non-instructional time). Migrated from [Schools.OK_Cal_StartDate].

Contact1Email15.8.0Varchar2(35)First contact’s email as it should appear in a directory. Migrated from [Schools.OK_Contact1Email].
Contact1FAX15.8.0Varchar2(15)First contact’s FAX number as it should appear in a directory. Migrated from [Schools.OK_Contact1FAX].
Contact1Name15.8.0Varchar2(35)First contact’s name as it should appear in a directory. Migrated from [Schools.OK_Contact1Name].
Contact1Phone15.8.0Varchar2(15)First contact’s phone number as it should appear in a directory. Migrated from [Schools.OK_Contact1Phone].
Contact1Title15.8.0Varchar2(50)First contact’s title as it should appear in a directory. Migrated from [Schools.OK_Contact1Title].
Contact2Email15.8.0Varchar2(35)Second contact’s email as it should appear in a directory. Migrated from [Schools.OK_Contact2Email].
Contact2FAX15.8.0Varchar2(15)Second contact’s FAX number as it should appear in a directory. Migrated from [Schools.OK_Contact2FAX].
Contact2Name15.8.0Varchar2(35)Second contact’s name as it should appear in a directory. Migrated from [Schools.OK_Contact2Name].
Contact2Phone15.8.0Varchar2(15)Second contact’s phone number as it should appear in a directory. Migrated from [Schools.OK_Contact2Phone].
Contact2Title15.8.0Varchar2(50)Second contact’s title as it should appear in a directory. Migrated from [Schools.OK_Contact2Title].
InstrMinutes15.8.0Number(11,0)The total minutes of instruction for the school year. Migrated from [Schools.OK_Instr_Minutes].
LunchMinutes15.8.0Number(11,0)The total number of minutes per day allocated for lunch. Migrated from [Schools.OK_LunchMinutes].

The total instruction minutes for a normal in session day. Migrated from [Schools.OK_MinutesPerDay].


The NCES-assigned identifier for this school. Migrated from [Schools.OK_NCESId].

NonAccreditedSchoolSupport15.8.0Varchar2(1)The school support status for a non-accredited school. Migrated from [Schools.OK_NonAccreditedSchoolSupport].
TermType15.8.0Varchar2(4)Type of Term/Session for this school. Migrated from [Schools.OK_Term_Type].

Indicates the Title 1 Status of the school. Migrated from [Schools.OK_TitleOneStatus].

Website15.8.0Varchar2(100)The school’s public website address. Migrated from [Schools.OK_Website].
CTESchool15.8.0Varchar2(1)Indicates that school is a Career and Technology Education (CTE) school. Migrated from [Schools.OK_CTESchool].
Q1EndDate16.7.2DateFirst quarter end date is the calendar date marking the end of the first nine weeks. This is used to determine date range for first quarter of all Attendance reports.
CalendarDescription16.7.2Varchar2(50)Description of the school calendar. Pre-defined values are used to flag exception calendars, but field will also accept any text.
ClassRankWeightedId22.8.2Number(10,0)Id from the gen table for the Weighted Class Rank
ClassRankUnweightedId22.8.2Number(10,0)Id from the gen table for the UnWeighted Class Rank
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