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Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) 2021-2022

The purpose of the U.S. Department of Education’s Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) is to obtain data related to the nation's public school districts’ and elementary and secondary schools’ obligation to provide equal educational opportunity. To fulfill this goal, the CRDC collects a variety of information, including student enrollment and educational programs and services data, that are disaggregated by race/ethnicity, sex, limited English proficiency, and disability. The CRDC is a longstanding and important aspect of the Department’s Office for Civil Rights overall strategy for administering and enforcing the civil rights statutes for which it is responsible. This information is also used for policy making by other ED offices, other federal agencies, and researchers outside of ED.

This section provides the required setup elements and report details for accurate CRDC reporting for Oklahoma state reporting. It provides District, School, Staff, and Student setup items and the CRDC report.

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