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State Reporting Submission-Related Known Issues

Date Updated: March 9, 2021

Meeting Attendance Calculations Incorrect in Specific Situations 

Description: Meeting attendance is calculating incorrectly where the student is enrolled in multiple sections of the same course.

Workaround: None.

Targeted Release: April 2021

Report Bundles Fail to Produce Zip File  Fixed in the April release on 4/15/2020

Description: The report bundles that include a (GI) Student Demographic report or a (GD) Student Discipline report are failing to produce a zip file.

Workaround: When running the bundle, uncheck the (GI) or (GD) report and run the bundle. Then run the (GI) Student Demographic or (GD) Student Discipline report separately.

Targeted Release: April 2020

(GQ) Student Program Report v.3.1 Fixed in the March release on 3/18/2020

(FA) Student Assessment Report v.3.5 Fixed in the March release on 3/18/2020

(GE) Student Special Education Report 1.15 Fixed in the March release on 3/18/2020

Description: The (GQ) Student Program, (FA) Student Assessment, and (GE) Student Special Education reports are not pulling program codes, test records, and special education events for students with multiple enrollment records in sub-district situations where students have switched schools and/or have withdrawn and returned to the same school.

Workaround: None

Targeted Release: March 18, 2020 release

(GV) CTE March Follow-up Record v.1.1 Fixed in the March release on 3/18/2020

Description: This report is failing if there are any blank records in the GV table. It is also not displaying correctly for those in version 19.4 of PowerSchool SIS.

Workaround: Deleting blank records fixes the report failure. There is no workaround for the 19.4 issue.

Targeted Release: March 18, 2020

FA Tab Score Validation for KRA Fixed in the March release on 3/18/2020

Description: The recently released code to validate scores for KRA assessments has a flaw. Only scores from 000 to 029 are validating while valid scores should be 000 and higher.

Workaround: Scores can be imported, or Data Export Manager Edit Filtered Records can be used, but manually entering any score higher than 029 results in a validation error and the record cannot be saved.

Targeted Release: March 18, 2020

(GV) CTE March Follow-up Record v.1.0 Fixed in the February release on 2/19/2020

Description: This report is pulling all GV records instead of limiting the records to the fiscal year selected. 

Workaround: The records from FY2019 will be ignored in state reporting so the file can be loaded to the state Data Collector without causing an issue.

Targeted Release: February 19, 2020 

Truancy/Chronic - OH Summary Export Fixed in the February release on 2/19/2020

Description: This export breaks if more than 199 students are part of the student selection.

Workaround: Limit the student selection to less than 200 to generate the export.

Targeted Release: February 19, 2020 

S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C table split does not work properly if August release is skipped - Fixed in the October release on 10/24/2019

Description: The August 2019 19.8.2 release for PSSR-194192 New Tables for FS and FD Student History Records does not function properly if the release is applied with subsequent releases. Users who report skipping the August 2019 19.8.2 release and installing the September 2019 or release experience issues with the table split, and subsequent issues with the user interface FS and FD tabs on the State/Province - OH page.

Workaround: The state reporting team has created a script to resolve the problem for districts that have skipped the August release. Create a support ticket on PowerSource to obtain the script and instructions. A fix will be released to correct the issue permanently.

Targeted Release: October 2019 release

(GE) Student Special Education Report v.1.12 - Fixed in the December release on 12/17/2019

Description: The (GE) Student Special Education report is not pulling events that occur after the school year ends. 

Workaround: None

Targeted Release: November 2019 release

(GQ) Student Program Report v.3.0 - Fixed in the December release on 12/17/2019

Description: The (GQ) Student Program report is not pulling program codes for students with multiple enrollment records based on switching schools within the district during the school year.

Workaround: None

Targeted Release: November 2019 release

(FF, FG) Student Contact Record with CorePower School Contacts v.3.0 - Fixed in the September 12, 2019 release

Description: The (FF, FG) Student Contact Record with Core PowerSchool Contacts does not pull the correct address as expected. 

Workaround: None

Targeted Release: August 2019 release

(FA) Student Assessment - Score Not Reported P - Fixed in the July 25, 2019 release.

Description: The FA tab on the State/Province-OH tab does not include the Score Not Reported Reason - P for GE End of Course assessments and this code is listed as obsolete for GN assessments. The code should be included for both GE and GN assessments.

Workaround: Select P from the obsolete section for GN assessments, and it will report as expected. There is no workaround for GE assessments.

Targeted Release: June 13, 2019

Date Updated: March 28, 2019

CRDC 2017-2018 - 2nd Semester Block Schedule Courses Not Included and LEA Student Count is Inflated - Fixed in the March 28, 2019 release.

Description: There are two known issues with The CRDC 2017-2018 Report.

  • The report is not including data for second-semester block schedule courses.
  • The LEA.csv file has an incorrect count of students. The count includes the students from the Student Audit file that are listed as NOT included in the Snapshot. Those students should not be counted.

Workaround: There is no workaround for the second-semester count issue. There is a workaround for the LEA.csv count. You can open the Student Audit CSV file and filter column C Include in Snapshot to show the value 1. Then sum the column - that is an accurate student enrollment count for the LEA.csv file. Enter this number in the CRDC website.

Targeted Release: March 28, 2019

(FN) Majority of Attendance Calculation - Fixed in the March 28, 2019 release.

Description: The calculation for determining a student's majority of attendance is using the incorrect date for the start of the window for Full Academic Year (FAY). The current code is using 10/12/2018 and it should be 10/5/2018.

Workaround: None at this time.

Targeted Release: March 2019

(GD) Student Discipline Record Version 3.00 - Fixed in the March 28, 2019 release.

Description: The (GD) Student Discipline Record report is not including records for students who withdraw, and subsequently re-enroll in the same school year, if the record happened before the student's withdrawal date.

Workaround: None at this time.

Targeted Release: March 2019

HB410 Meeting Attendance - Fixed in the March 7, 2019 release.

Description: Users who have installed the USA-OH release are unable to record meeting attendance. An HTTP 500 error is returned upon submit.

Workaround: None at this time.

Targeted Release: March 7 or 8, 2019

CRDC 2017-2018 - Link to LEA page is missing - Fixed in the March 7, 2019 release.

Description: The CRDC 2017-2018 link to the LEA page for recording district CRDC information is not displaying for users who are not part of a sub-district configuration and who have installed the USA-OH release.

Workaround: Access the page by editing the PowerSchool URL to include this page address after admin/: districtinfo/state/usa_oh/districtCRDC.html

Targeted Release: March 7 or 8, 2019

CRDC Report (2017-2018) Fixed with the February 28, 2018 release.

Description: The CRDC (2017-2018) report is not correctly counting Algebra 1 students in all cases. A field to exclude students from CRDC reporting is missing.

Workaround: None at this time.

Targeted Release: Mid- February 2019

Meeting Attendance Functionality for HB410 in PowerSchool version 12.1 Fixed with the February 28, 2018 release.

Description: In version 12.1 of PowerSchool, the clock icon does not appear on meeting attendance for users to edit time in/time out. This causes users to be unable to record an absence that was less than the length of the period. PowerSchool State Support is working diligently to resolve this issue.

Workaround: None at this time.

Targeted Release: February 2019

(FA) Student Assessment Record Import - Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA) - Fixed with November 29, 2018 release.

Description: The KRA import does not properly align scores during the import. Records are imported, but errors are shown once the files are sent to the state Data Collector.

Workaround: Add/insert a column between S and T before importing.

Targeted Release: November 29, 2018

State Province - OH page GI Tab - Asterisk as Middle Name Does not Display for New Students

Description: When entering an asterisk as a student's middle name as required by the Ohio Department of Education for students who have no middle name, on the Enroll New Student page, the asterisk is not displaying on the State Province - OH page GI tab. This causes the middle name to show as blank when attempting to procure a State Student ID (SSID) via the Student Locator (SIF) or batch file process. It does not cause an error when reporting the student's record to the state.

Workaround: Enter any letter of the alphabet in the middle name field on the Demographics page and save the change. Then change the middle name to an asterisk and save. The asterisk will then populate to the GI tab.

Targeted Release: 12/17/2018

(FN) Student Attributes - No Date Record v.4.22 -Fixed with June 28, 2018 release

Description: The "majority of attendance" field does not properly calculate for students who do not have a record in the S_OH_Stu_Common.X table. The report returns six asterisks where a building IRN should be returned.

Workaround: Enter a Building IRN on the Home tab of the State/Province - OH page. This action will create a record in the S_OH_Stu_Common.X table and cause a correct majority of attendance IRN to be returned in the FN report.

Targeted Release: 6/28/2018

(GQ) - Student Program v.2.04 - Fixed with June 28, 2018 release

Description: The (GQ) Student Program report includes records for students who are marked to be excluded from EMIS reporting.

Workaround: There are no workarounds for this, but it does not cause an issue in state reporting since no other records are extracted. The errant GQ records are put into an Excluded Records file in Ohio State Reporting.

Targeted Release: 6/28/2018

(FS) Student Standing Record - Hours (HB410) v.3.04 - Fixed with June 28, 2018 release

Description: Several fixes for this report were released in the April 26, 2018 release; however, there are still a few issues related to meeting attendance that require an update:

  • Meeting attendance calculations require an enhancement in cases where students are scheduled into the same course over several sections in the day.
  • When more than one absence code is used during a day, meeting attendance is returning the first code rather than the code that adds up to the higher absence time.

Workaround: There are no workarounds for meeting attendance issues.

Targeted Release: 6/28/2018

(FS) Student Standing Record - Hours (HB410) v3.03 - Fixed with April 26, 2018 release

Description: Several fixes are required for the (FS) Student Standing Hours (HB410) report:

  • In situations where a Time In / Time out record was created for a partial absence day, and subsequently, the absence code is changed to a full day absence, the FS is not properly calculating the hours. If a Time In/Time Out record exists, even though the time is listed as all zeroes, this report is considering the Bell Schedule start and end time when determining the absence time, rather than the appropriate DL record. This is causing excess absence time to be calculated.
  • Negative attendance can be reported if a student is not properly transferred from one school to another, which causes PSMembership to be blank.
  • The FS returns an error "Missing value in skip enrollment record for Student Number XXX." in cases where an enrollment record has been created to record a grade level change. The FS should not return this error.

Workaround: You can delete the Time In/ Time Out record. The negative attendance can be resolved if refresh premiere attendance is run on the previous school. There is no work-around for the meeting attendance issues. The FS error related to a grade level change can be resolved by creating an FS history to match the FD history.

Targeted Release: 4/26/2018

New Course Page - Exclude from Instructional Time attendance calculations field - Fixed with April 26, 2018 release

Description: The checkbox 'Exclude from Instructional Time attendance calculations' appears on the New Course page and allows the user to select the checkbox but the selection is not saved.

Workaround: Select the course from Courses, select the checkbox and save.

Targeted Release: Summer 2018

State/Province - OH Page - FD Tab - Fixed

Description: In some cases, when a user creates an FD history record, a space is placed in the Disability, Disadvantagement or Limited English Proficiency field instead of leaving the field null. The space then causes the (FD) Student Attributes report to be incorrect.

Workaround: Enter a valid value in these fields, which removes the space. 

Targeted Release: 3/29/2018

State/Province - OH Page - FD Tab - Fixed

Description: In some cases, when a user enters a new value for Homeless Status, the FD tab does not display the value on the screen.

Workaround: The FD does export the correct value - this is a display issue. 

Targeted Release: 3/29/2018

FA Import Early Learning Assessment for Preschool Students - Fixed

Description: The FA Import for the ELA - Early Learning Assessment for preschool students does not accurately import all data. Specifically, the import is not properly handling scores equal to N.

Workaround: There is no workaround at this time. If you have imported the ELA results, the import can be removed via the FA Import page, and then be imported again once the fix is released.

Targeted Release: 2/22/2018

Fix Released: 2/22/2018

Graduation Pathways Page - Fixed

Description: Some users are not able to activate the Other Graduation Options Met button on the Graduation Pathways Page.

Workaround: There is no workaround at this time. 

Targeted Release: 2/22/2018

Fix Released: 2/22/2018

Student Graduation Pathways Report version 1.0 - Fixed

Description: The Student Graduation Pathways Report fails to run as of the release.

Workaround: There is no workaround at this time. 

Targeted Release: 2/22/2018

Fix Released: 2/22/2018

Student Standing Record - Hours (HB410) version 3.1 - Fixed

Description: The (FS) Student Standing Record - Hours (HB410) version 3.1 does not accurately calculate attendance for students who were part of a staggered start to the school year.

Workaround: There is no workaround at this time. 

Targeted Release: 2/22/2018

Fix Released: 2/22/2018

(FS) Student Standing Record - Hours (HB410) version 3.0 - FIXED

Description: The (FS) Student Standing Record - Hours (HB410) version 3.0 does not accurately calculate attendance in some cases when a student has multiple FD records for the 2018 fiscal year.

Workaround: There is no workaround at this time. 

Targeted Release: 1/25/2018

Fix Released:1/25/2018 USA-OH

(FS) Student Standing Record - Hours (HB410) version 3.0 - FIXED

Description: The (FS) Student Standing Record - Hours (HB410) version 3.0 produces an error message at the top of the report that reads "Found an error with the value stored in Calculating Daily Attendance 1 - Hours for Student Number XXXXXX-ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row." This error relates to the presence of more than one school with the same IRN.

Workaround: There is no workaround at this time. 

Targeted Release: 1/25/2018

Fix Released:1/25/2018 USA-OH

FA Import Early Learning Assessment for Preschool Students - FIXED

Description: The FA Import for the ELA - Early Learning Assessment for preschool students does not accurately import all data. Specifically:

1. the result file for the ELA contains a value of "N" in cases where a student did not have a response. This "N" value should be imported with a score equal to three asterisks (***) and a Score Not Reported Reason "S". Currently, the "N" value is imported incorrectly.

2. the last column does not import

Workaround: There is no workaround at this time. If you have imported the ELA results, the import can be removed via the FA Import page, and then be imported again once the fix is released.

Targeted Release: 1/25/2018

Fix Released:1/25/2018 USA-OH

FA Import Post Migration - FIXED

Description: The FA Import does not work for districts that have migrated the fieldset State OH Virtual OH_Student _Assessment. The import appears to work, but the data imported does not display.

Workaround: The only workaround at this time is to manually enter the data. 

Targeted Release: 12/22/2017

Fix Released: 12/22/2017 Version USA-OH

Pre-ID Ohio State Assessment Extract: Version 1.27 - FIXED

Description: The Pre-ID Ohio State Assessment Extract only pulls one teacher and one course for the report when multiple teachers and courses should be present. The extract does properly indicate all the assessments for which a student is eligible, but only shows one teacher.

Workaround: There is no workaround at this time. 

Targeted Release: 12/22/2017

Fix Released: 12/22/2017 Version USA-OH

Calculated Attendance Time is Not Correct in Some Cases - FIXED

Description: For full-day absences only, the Calculated - Total Instructional Time Absent in Hours and Minutes does not correctly consider the student's Percent of Time if multiple records with zeroes exist for Time In / Time Out. This is found on the Edit Daily Attendance page.

Workaround: Delete the unnecessary Time In / Time Out record via DDA, or enter the correct absence time in the Override - Total Instructional Time Absent in Hours and Minutes field.

Targeted Release: 12/22/2017 or sooner.

Fix Released: 12/22/2017 Version USA-OH

ACT Pre-ID Extract Version 1.0 Must be a CSV file - FIXED

Description: The ACT Pre-ID Extract version 1.0 currently produces a positional text file. The vendor for the ACT will only accept a comma-separated file.

Workaround: You can produce a file with the template provided by the ACT vendor or wait for the update for the PowerSchool extract.

Targeted Release: 12/22/2017

Fix Released: 12/22/2017 Version USA-OH

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