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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-277247Co-Teacher/Multi-Teacher for Staff Course Report (CU) - Update

You can now generate multiple Staff Course (CU) records for teachers and/or co-teachers on the Edit Section page, utilizing the Teacher-Section Lead and Teachers/Staff-Additional fields. The (CU) Staff Course Record report now pulls multiple records as expected.

PSSR-274811(DN) - Organization General Information Record and Page - Update

(DN) - Organization General Information Record: Version 3.19
Ohio State Reporting requires two new attributes to be reported in the (DN) Organization General Information Record. The Medical Group is added to the Organization General Information page. The group includes the two new attributes:

  • GLCGNPRCMT Number of doses of glucagon procured on the reported date.
  • GLCGNUSAGE Number of glucagon doses used on the reported date from the supply procured by the district.

The (DN) Organization General Information Record report is updated to include these new attributes and is to exclude obsolete attributes C_CLDRTYPE, EYENRCCNT02, EYENRCCNT03, EYENRCCNT04, EYENRCCNT05, EYENRCCNT06, EYENRCCNT07, EYENRCCNT08, MGMTCOMPYS, and MGMTCOMPNO.

PSSR-274440FA Import Update

You can now import the new TIDE vendor file in its entirety via the FA Import.

PSSR-270225 FA Tab - New Assessment Areas for (GW) CTE Industry Credential Update

The FA tab on the State/Province - OH page is updated to display all valid (GW) CTE Industry Credentials in the list of Assessment Areas based on the most recent Ohio Department of Education documentation.

PSSR-270340(GC) Student Graduation Core Record - Update

The Ohio Department of Education has added new Core Area Codes: MCT, SAE, SAL, SAP, and SWH. Users can reference the Ohio EMIS Manual for specific rules regarding these new Core Area Codes. Also, the verbiage on SCA, SCL, SCP, and SOO is updated.

PSSR-243464Printable Attendance Admit Slip

You can now print an Admit Slip for students leaving or returning to school. The Admit Slip can only be printed for the current date


SSID Tab Update - Legal Name and Gender FieldsThe Legal First Name, Legal Middle Name, Legal Last Name, and Legal Gender fields on the SSID tab are no longer saving, for some districts, to the incorrect table, U_Dyn_Students_1. The fields now correctly save to StudentCoreFields - PSCORE_LEGAL_GENDER, LEGAL_FIRST, LEGAL_MIDDLE, and LEGAL_LAST. You may copy existing data from the U_Dyn_Students_1 table to the StudentCoreFields table via Data Export/Import Manager.

Cross-Site Scripting Security Update

Updated the Ohio State Information - Pre-ID Information > Home Building High School IRN > Building List page to prevent any cross-site scripting attacks.
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