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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-243837ADD (GD) Student Discipline Record to S Common Bundle

(GD) Student Discipline Record: Version 3.02
The (GD) Student Discipline Record report is added to the S Common Bundle because there is a new requirement to report this record throughout the year versus year-end only.

PSSR-221683Graduation Pathways - Update

You can now track student progress toward earning an Ohio diploma under the new Permanent Requirements pathway or under the legacy Three Pathways requirement. The page now displays the student's progress toward earning the 20 credits required by Ohio.

The Graduation Pathways Summary is not updated with the new Permanent Requirements with this release. An updated Graduation Pathways Summary will be included in a future release.
PSSR-246346Update - Meeting Attendance Absence Validation for Truancy/Chronic Absenteeism Extract

Meeting Attendance Absence Validation for Truancy/Chronic Absenteeism Extract: Version 1.02
The Meeting Attendance Absence Validation for Truancy/Chronic Absenteeism Extract no longer returns invalid attendance values. The extract is updated to include correct meeting attendance values.

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