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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-223754(DN) - Organization General Information Record and Page - Update

(DN) - Organization General Information Record: Version 3.18
Ohio State Reporting requires three new attributes be reported in the (DN) Organization General Information Record. The Assessment Group is added to the Organization General Information page. The group includes the three new attributes:

  • ASMTFG3ELA Fall 3rdGrade ELA assessment
  • ASMTSPRELA Spring English Language Arts (all grades, including EOC)
  • ASMTSPRMSS Spring Math, Science, Social Studies (all grades, including EOC)
    The (DN) Organization General Information Record report is updated to include these new attributes.
PSSR-217764(EOY) End of Year State Update

The (EOY) End of Year State Update process is updated for the 2020 fiscal year. Additions to the process include:

  • a checkbox to copy forward state attendance code checkboxes to FY21
  • new fields introduced in FY20 are added to the appropriate Snapshots
    The process properly clears and/or updates fields in extended schema tables as described in the Ohio Online Documentation > State Reporting Setup > End of Year (EOY) State Reporting Processes.
PSSR-232738(FB) Student Acceleration Record - Update

Report name: (FB) Student Acceleration Record Version 1.23
The (FB) Student Acceleration Record code is updated to allow the report to complete in less time.

PSSR-188123Attendance Pattern Page - Update

The Attendance Pattern page now displays an Add button as expected for new districts where no attendance patterns have been previously entered.

PSSR-182773Graduation Pathways - Update for Expired FE Record

The Graduation Pathways page displays an (FE) Student Special Education Graduation Requirement record if the FE record if the IEP date associated with the FE record is within one year minus one day as of the current date. The page no longer displays an FE record if the IEP date is considered expired.

PSSR-230826Graduation Pathways Other Graduation Options Met - Update

You can now select Permanent Graduation Requirements from the Other Graduations Options Met list to indicate a student has earned a diploma via Ohio's Permanent Graduation Requirements.

PSSR-217763Ohio-Specific Data Access Tags - Update

Multiple Data Access Tags (DAT) are provided for use with data related to Ohio's Graduation Pathways. Existing DATs, related to Ohio-specific House Bill 410 (HB410) attendance data, are updated in response to customer requests. Details for using the DATs is available in the online Ohio State documentation site under the Appendix section.

PSSR-225018State Report Bundles - Update

One new bundle is added to the State Reports page. The SCR/Core Contacts Bundle includes the reports required to report Student Contacts and Student Cross Reference for districts who are using the Core Contacts for state reporting.

PSSR-228190State/Province-OH Page Contacts Tab - Update

The list for the County, State, and Country fields on the Contacts tab are populated as expected. The lists are no longer blank.

PSSR-226185State/Province-OH Page Pre-ID Tab - Update

A link is added to the Pre-ID tab next to the Accommodations (LEP, IEP, 504) selection. The link displays the student's FD tab to provide a quick view of the student's status for the three fields related to Accommodations (Limited English Proficiency, Disability, and Section 504 Plan.)

PSSR-221682Update for Grad Only Students

(GI) Student Demographic Record: Version 4.07
(FA) Student Assessment Record: Version 3.08
(FN) Student Attributes - No Date Record: Version 4.27
(FE) Student Special Education Graduation Requirement Record: Version 2.02
For Graduate (G) reporting, the required reports now return the standard student number for the Local EMIS ID field when a student is marked as Grad Only on the Home Tab of the State/Province-OH page. The reports no longer use the student's SSID for the Local EMIS ID field.

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