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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-227600(GV) CTE March Follow-Up Record - Update

(GV) CTE March Follow-Up Record: Version 1.01
The report now returns the correct records for the single fiscal year indicated in the report parameter. The report no longer returns multiple fiscal year records.

PSSR-228676CTE March Follow-up Import - Update

The CTE March Follow-up Import page loads as expected for districts with over 25,000 students. The page is no longer blank for these large districts.

PSSR-228261FA Tab - Updates to Score Field

All Assessment Types now have field-level validations in place for the Score field. If users enter an invalid score for an assessment type, a validation window appears indicating the valid format.

PSSR-227766FA Tab - Updates to Score Field for ACT

The field-level validation for ACT _Score _All now recognizes all valid scores from 001 to 036 and ***. The validation no longer indicates an error for valid scores.

PSSR-226319HB410 Attendance Time In/Time Out Error - Update

You can now change an attendance code from a full day attendance code to a partial day attendance code without first removing the checkbox for the JVS or_ CCP_ indicator. The following error will no longer block you from entering a Time In/Time Out after changing the attendance code.

Validation error for field: students.s_oh_stu_truancy_hours_c.include_jvs2_yn Value(on) - Value may not contain more than 1 character(s).

PSSR-136758Historial Grades Page - Update

You can now enter the Core Area for Credit and any Dual Credit on the entry screen for Historical Grades instead of saving the record, then editing to add this information. A field for Location IRN is added to provide an entry point for the IRN associated with College Credit Plus (CCP) courses. It can be used for transcripts and for calculating CCP maximums.

PSSR-217761Mass Update Gifted Records - New Function Added

You can now mass update gifted records for students with the Mass Update Gifted Records page.

PSSR-227570Student March Follow-up for CTE (GV) - Update

The field S_OH_STU_GV_X.Fiscal_Year is added to the page. You can now filter students on the page by Fiscal_Year.

PSSR-226236Truancy/Chronic - OH Summary Export - Update

The Truancy/Chronic - OH Summary Export now returns one record per student for up to 1,000 students. The report no longer fails if 200 or more students are part of the selection.

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