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S_OH_STU_Truancy_Shared_C ver 18.10.0

This table is a child table of the [Students] table.

Column Name


Data Type


Primary Key18.10.0Number(10)System generated number.
ForeignKey18.10.0Number(11)Student's DCID related to the record.
Date_Absent18.10.0DateDate of absence for the record.
District_IRN18.10.0Number(6)A six-digit IRN associated with the district providing the information.
Excluded_Chronic_Flag19.11.1.0Varchar(1)A true value (1) denotes the absence is excluded from HB410 Chronic calculations. A false value (0) denotes the absence is not excluded from HB410 Chronic Calculations.
Excluded_flag18.10.0VarChar(1)A true value (1) denotes the absence is excluded from HB410 Truancy calculations. A false value (0) denotes the absence is not excluded from HB410 Truancy Calculations.
Excused_flag18.10.0VarChar(1)A true value (1) denotes the absence is excused.  A false value (0) denotes the absence is unexcused.
Hours_absent18.10.0Number(10,2)The length of time for the absence expressed in hours:minutes.
ImportID19.1.0NumberUsed by the Absence Import for HB410 Truancy/Chronic-OH functionality to identify a set of records and remove the records, if necessary.

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