S_OH_STU_Spec_Ed_Grad_Req_C (ver 17.8.0)
This table is a child table of the [Students] table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
StudentsDCID | 17.8.0 | Number(10) | Primary key that relates the extended table back to the Students table. |
ForeignKey | 17.8.0 | Number(11) | The Student ID associated with the student for this record. Migrated from [Oh_Spec_Ed_Grad_Req.foreignkey]. |
Exempt_YN | 17.8.0 | VarChar2(1) | Indicates the status of the graduation exemption. Migrated from [Oh_Spec_Ed_Grad_Req.exempt]. |
IEP_Date | 17.8.0 | Date | Date of qualifying IEP. Migrated from [Oh_Spec_Ed_Grad_Req.user_defined_date]. |
IEP_Date_Type | 17.8.0 | VarChar2(4) | Date type of the IEP. Migrated from [Oh_Spec_Ed_Grad_Req.date_type]. |
Schoolid | 17.8.0 | Number(11) | The School building associated with the assessment. Migrated from [Oh_Spec_Ed_Grad_Req.schoolid]. |
Test_Area | 17.8.0 | VarChar2(10) | A code of up to four characters that identifies the assessment area. Migrated from [Oh_Spec_Ed_Grad_Req.user_defined_text2]. |
Test_Type | 17.8.0 | VarChar2(4) | Designates type of test. Migrated from [Oh_Spec_Ed_Grad_Req.user_defined_text]. |