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S_OH_STU_FW_X ver 1.0

This table is an extension of the [STUDENTS] table.

Column Name


Data Type


Fiscal_Year1.0Number(4,0)The four-digit fiscal year imported from the (FLUP-001) Exiting Student Follow Up Extract (All Students).
Reporting_District_IRN1.0VarChar2(6)Indicates the Reporting District IRN imported from the (FLUP-001) Exiting Student Follow Up Extract (All Students).




Primary key that relates the extended table back to the Students table imported from the (FLUP-001) Exiting Student Follow Up Extract (All Students)..

First_Name1.0VarChar2(30)The student's first name imported from the (FLUP-001) Exiting Student Follow Up Extract (All Students).
Middle_Name1.0VarChar2(30)The student's middle name imported from the (FLUP-001) Exiting Student Follow Up Extract (All Students).
Last_Name1.0VarChar2(30)The student's last name imported from the (FLUP-001) Exiting Student Follow Up Extract (All Students).
CTE_Flag1.0VarChar2(1)The Career Technical Education Workforce Development Follow-Up Flag imported from the (FLUP-001) Exiting Student Follow Up Extract (All Students).
Graduate_Flag1.0VarChar2(1)The Graduate Follow-Up Flag imported from the (FLUP-001) Exiting Student Follow Up Extract (All Students).
SWD_Flag1.0VarChar2(1)The Students with Disabilities Post-School Engagement Follow-Up Flag imported from the (FLUP-001) Exiting Student Follow Up Extract (All Students).
CTE_Program1.0VarChar2(2)The Career-Technical Education Program of Concentration imported from the (FLUP-001) Exiting Student Follow Up Extract (All Students).
CTE_LEA_IRN1.0VarChar2(6)Indicates the Career-Technical Follow-Up LEA IRN imported from the (FLUP-001) Exiting Student Follow Up Extract (All Students).
Graduate_LEA_IRN1.0VarChar2(6)Indicates the Graduate Follow-Up LEA IRN imported from the (FLUP-001) Exiting Student Follow Up Extract (All Students).
SWD_LEA_IRN1.0VarChar2(6)Indicates the Students with Disabilities Follow-Up LEA IRN imported from the (FLUP-001) Exiting Student Follow Up Extract (All Students).

The employment status of this former student in the year after the student left secondary education.


The career field in which this former student is working.


The typical number of hours this former student works in a week.


Indicates if this former student has worked at least 90 days since leaving school.


This former student performed work that was compensated at a rate that meets the requirements for competitive integrated employment.


This former student performed work at a location that meets the requirements for competitive integrated employment.


This former student performed work that provides advancement opportunities that meet the requirements for competitive integrated employment.


The apprenticeship status of this former student in the year after the student left secondary education.


The type of apprenticeship status in which this former student is enrolled.

Postsecondary_Edu_Status1.0VarChar2(1)The postsecondary or advanced training status of the former student in the year after the student left secondary education.
Postsecondary_Edu_Type1.0VarChar2(2)The type of postsecondary education or advanced training in which this former student has enrolled.
Postsecondary_Adv_Training1.0VarChar2(1)Indicates that this former student has enrolled in multiple options in the year after leaving school.
Postsecondary_Duration1.0VarChar2(1)The postsecondary enrollment term completion status for this former student.


The military status of this former student in the year after the student left secondary education.

The service program status of this former student in the year after the student left secondary education.

Other_Status1.0VarChar2(1)Status not reported in any of the other follow-up status elements.
Exclude_From_FW1.0BooleanFlag to determine whether the student should be excluded from the FW report.
Active_Flag1.0VarChar2(1)Flag to determine whether the student is active imported from the (FLUP-001) Exiting Student Follow Up Extract (All Students).
EMISID1.0VarChar2(9)The students EMIS ID imported from the (FLUP-001) Exiting Student Follow Up Extract (All Students).
Building_IRN1.0VarChar2(6)Indicates the last reported building attended IRN imported from the (FLUP-001) Exiting Student Follow Up Extract (All Students).
ImportID1.0Number(3,0)Assigned to each record imported from a single file.  Used to remove an import, if required.

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