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S_OH_STU_FS_X (ver 14.11.0)

This table is an extension of the [STUDENTS] table.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary key that relates the extended table back to the Students table.

Admission_Reason17.2.0VarChar2(20)Describes how the student arrived at the district.
Admitted_From_IRN17.2.0VarChar2(20)Identifies the prior public or nonpublic school where the student was enrolled.
Assigned_Builiding_IRN17.2.0VarChar2(20)Identifies the IRN of the building the student would normally attend according to the standard district attendance policy.
Attending_Building_IRN17.2.0VarChar2(20)Identifies the IRN of the building within the district that the student attends between the effective dates, inclusive, of the record being reported.
County17.2.0VarChar2(20)Identifies the two-digit State of Ohio designation of the county of the student’s domicile.
District_Relationship17.2.0VarChar2(20)Describes the educational relationship between the student and the district.
Exclude19.9.2VarChar2(1)Identifies a specific record that is to be excluded from state reporting.
How_Received17.2.0VarChar2(20)Decribes how the student arrived in the district.
How_Received_IRN17.2.0VarChar2(20)Identifies the entity from which a student is received.



Override to manually report student's excused absences.




Override to manually report student's days in attendance.




Override to manually report student's unexcused absences.

Percent_Time17.2.0Number(11,0)Identifies the average percent of time, for the week, that the student participates in any instruction provided by a certified/licensed employee.
Sent_Reason117.2.0VarChar2(20)Identifies the reason a student is sent to a another district.
Sent_Reason217.2.0VarChar2(20)Identifies the reason a student is sent to a second district.
Sent_To_IRN117.2.0VarChar2(20)Identifies the district to which a student is being sent.
Sent_To_IRN217.2.0VarChar2(20)Identifies the district to which a student is being sent,if the student is simultaneously being sent to a second district.
Sent_To_Percent_Time117.2.0Number(11,0)Identifies the average percent of time, for the week, that the student participates in any instruction provided by a non-EMIS reporting entity.
Sent_To_Percent_Time217.2.0Number(11,0)Identifies the average percent of time, for the week, that the student participates in any instruction provided by a non-EMIS reporting entity.
Tuition_Type17.2.0VarChar2(20)Identifies the manner in which the student is paying tuition to the reporting district.
Withdrawn_To_IRN17.2.0VarChar2(20)Identifies the IRN of a public or nonpublic school into which the student will be enrolling.

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