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This table is a child table of the [Students] table.

Column Name


Data Type


Unique_ID19.8.2.0NumberUnique ID for the record. Migrated from [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C.unique_ID].
ForeignKey19.8.2.0NumberPrimary key that relates the child table back to the Students table. Migrated from [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C.foreignKey].
ForeignKey_alpha19.8.2.0Varchar2(31)Legacy field that is being migrated. Migrated from [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C.foreignKey_alpha].
Admission_date19.8.2.0Varchar2(10)Student's most recent admission date to the district. Migrated from [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C.admission_date].
Admission_reason19.8.2.0Varchar2(1)Describes how the student arrived at the district. Migrated from [OH_student_history.admission_reason].
Admitted_From_IRN19.8.2.0Varchar2(6)Identifies the prior public or nonpublic school where the student was enrolled. Migrated from [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C.admitted_from_irn].
Assigned_Building_IRN19.8.2.0Varchar2(6)Identifies the IRN of the building the student would normally attend according to the standard district attendance policy. Migrated from [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C.assigned_building_irn].
Attendance_pattern19.8.2.0Varchar2(2)The pattern of attendance which a student attends on a weekly basis (prior to FY14). Migrated from [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C.attendance_pattern]. Obsolete field.
Attending_Building_IRN19.8.2.0Varchar2(6)Identifies the IRN of the building within the district that the student attends between the effective dates, inclusive, of the record being reported. Migrated from [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C.attending_building_irn].
County_of_residence19.8.2.0Varchar2(20)Identifies the two-digit State of Ohio designation of the county of the student’s domicile. Migrated from [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C.county_of_residence].
District_Relationship19.8.2.0Varchar2(1)Describes the educational relationship between the student and the district. Migrated from [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C.district_relationship].
Effective_end_date19.8.2.0DateEffective end date for the record. Migrated from [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C.user_defined_date].
Exclude19.9.2.0Varchar2(1)Identifies a specific record that is to be excluded from state reporting.


Override to manually report student's excused absences. Migrated from [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C.Hrs_excused].



Override to manually report student's days in attendance. Migrated from [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C.Hrs_present].



Override to manually report student's unexcused absences. Migrated from [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C.Hrs_unexcused].

How_Received19.8.2.0Varchar2(1)Describes how the student arrived in the district. Migrated from [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C.How_received].
How_Received_IRN19.8.2.0Varchar2(20)Identifies the entity from which a student is received. MMigrated from [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C.How_received_irn].
Legal_district_residence19.8.2.0Varchar2(6)Student's legal district of residence for the record. Migrated from [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C.legal_district_residence].
Local_Attendance_Pattern19.8.2.0Varchar2(2)The district's locally defined attendance patterns for specific groups of students.(Post-FY15) Migrated from [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C.local_attendance_pattern].
Percent_of_Time19.8.2.0Varchar2(3)Identifies the average percent of time, for the week, that the student participates in any instruction provided by a certified/licensed employee. Migrated from [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C.percent_of_time].
SchoolID19.8.2.0NumberSchool associated with the record. Migrated from [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C.schoolID].
Sent_Reason_119.8.2.0Varchar2(2)Identifies the reason a student is sent to a another district. Migrated from [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C.sent_reason_1].
Sent_Reason_219.8.2.0Varchar2(2)Identifies the reason a student is sent to a second district. Migrated from [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C.sent_reason_2].
Sent_To_IRN_119.8.2.0Varchar2(6)Identifies the district to which a student is being sent. Migrated from [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C.Sent_To_IRN_1].
Sent_To_IRN_219.8.2.0Varchar2(6)Identifies the district to which a student is being sent,if the student is simultaneously being sent to a second district. Migrated from [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C.Sent_To_IRN_2].
Sent_To_POT_119.8.2.0Varchar2(3)Identifies the average percent of time, for the week, that the student participates in any instruction provided by a non-EMIS reporting entity. Migrated from [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C.Sent_To_POT_1].
Sent_To_POT_219.8.2.0Varchar2(3)Identifies the average percent of time, for the week, that the student participates in any instruction provided by a non-EMIS reporting entity. Migrated from [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C.Sent_To_POT_2].
State_student_id19.8.2.0Varchar2(9)Student's State Student ID number. Migrated from [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C.state_student_id].
Tuition_Type19.8.2.0Varchar2(1)Identifies the manner in which the student is paying tuition to the reporting district. Migrated from [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C.tuition_type].
Withdrawn_To_IRN19.8.2.0Varchar2(6)Identifies the IRN of a public or nonpublic school into which the student will be enrolling. Migrated from [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C.withdrawn_to_irn].

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