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S_OH_STU_FN_X (ver 14.2.0)

This table is an extension of the [STUDENTS] table.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary key that relates the extended table back to the Students table.

Acceleration_Mathematics15.11.0VarChar2(20)Indicates the number of years a student has been accelerated in Mathematics. (obsolete FY13)
Acceleration_Reading15.11.0VarChar2(20)Indicates the number of years a student has been accelerated in Reading. (obsolete FY13)
Acceleration_Science15.11.0VarChar2(20)Indicates the number of years a student has been accelerated in Science. (obsolete FY13)
Acceleration_SocialStudies15.11.0VarChar2(20)Indicates the number of years a student has been accelerated in Social Studies. (obsolete (FY13)
Acceleration_Writing15.11.0VarChar2(20)Indicates the number of years a student has been accelerated in Writing. (obsolete FY13)
Accountability_IRN15.11.0VarChar2(20)The building IRN within the district that is responsible for the student’s performance measures.
Core_Arts15.11.0VarChar2(1)Indicates if a student has met the CORE Fine Arts requirement.
Core_Econ15.11.0VarChar2(1)Indicates if a student has met the CORE Economics and Financial Literacy requirement.
Core_Grad_Req_Exemp15.11.0VarChar2(20)The Ohio CORE exemption status of a student.
Courses_Completed_Date16.10.0DateThe month and year in which the student completed the course requirements for a diploma. Required for 'Grad Only' students.
Courses_Completed_IRN16.10.0VarChar2(6)The IRN of the district in which the student completed the course requirements for a diploma. Required for 'Grad Only' students.
CTE_Program15.11.0VarChar2(20)The primary CTE Workforce Development Program for which a student has met the requirements to be considered a concentrator.
Diploma_Date15.11.0DateThe date the student received his/her diploma.
Diploma_Type15.11.0VarChar2(20)The type of diploma received by the graduating student.
Exempted_Physical15.11.0VarChar2(1)Indicates if the district has adopted a policy to exempt certain students from the Physical Education graduation credit requirement and if the student has met the policy’s requirements.
Fiscal_915.11.0VarChar2(4)The fiscal year in which the student first began ninth grade.
FLICS_IRN14.7.2VarChar2(6)District IRN Attended Last October (FLICS).
Grad_Alt15.11.0Number(1,0)Identifies that passage on one graduation test was met using the alternative criteria.
LEP_Reclassified_Date15.11.0VarChar2(6)The date on which the student is considered “no longer LEP”.
Majority_Att_IRN15.11.0VarChar2(20)The IRN of the building or district where a student is continuously enrolled from the Friday of the first full week of October through the specified spring test administration date.
Math_Diag_Result_Code15.11.0VarChar2(20)Result of the student’s math diagnostic assessment.
Military_CompGrad_Alt15.11.0VarChar2(20)Identifies that the requirement to take one or more graduation tests was met using the military compact alternative criteria.
Next_School15.11.0VarChar2(20)The state assigned six-digit information retrieval number (IRN) of the building that the student would be attending the following school year.
Next_Year_Grade15.11.0VarChar2(20)Indicates the grade level to which a student has been promoted, or the grade level in which a student will be retained the following school year.
Non_Attending_Reason15.11.0VarChar2(20)The reason for counting an enrolled student who was absent from school for the entire week of the district’s count week. (obsolete FY15)
Reading_Diag_Result_Code15.11.0VarChar2(20)Result of the student’s reading diagnostic assessment.
Retained_Status15.11.0VarChar2(20)Indicates if a student was retained at the end of a school year and whether he/she will advance to the next grade level.

Stores all FN data for previous school within Sub-districting.
Tech_Prep15.11.0VarChar2(1)Indicates if the student is a career tech completer. (obsolete FY13)
Updated_IEP15.11.0VarChar2(20)Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) outcome as of a specified date for a student whose IEP currently on file with ODE does not reflect the current LRE for a student with a disability.
Writing_Diag_Result_Code15.11.0VarChar2(20)Result of the student’s writing diagnostic assessment.




The state assigned unique identifier for a graduate as of the close of year end reporting. Required for 'Grad Only' students.


Identifies student with a parent or legal guardian who is an active member of the Armed Forces or National Guard.

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