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S_OH_STU_Acceleration_C ver 17.8.0

This table is a child table of the [Students] table.

Column Name


Data Type


UniqueID17.8.0Number(11)System generated primary key. Migrated from [OH_stu_acceleration.uniqueid]



The StudentID associated with the record. [OH_stu_acceleration.ForeignKey].


Obsolete after FY22 - Identifies if the student is taking a citizenship assessment at a grade level that is
higher than the student’s overall grade level.

Migrated from [OH_stu_acceleration.C_assess].
Citizenship_irn17.8.0Varchar2(6)Obsolete after FY16. Migrated from [OH_stu_acceleration.C_irn].

Indicates, for the current school year, the number of year(s) a student

was accelerated in citizenship. Migrated from [OH_stu_acceleration.C_yrs].
Citizenship_status22.9.3String(1)Identifies whether a student is accelerated in Citizenship.
Fiscal_year17.8.0Number(4,0)Fiscal Year for the record. Migrated from [OH_stu_acceleration.fiscal_year].

Obsolete after FY22 - Identifies if the student is taking a math assessment at a grade level that is
higher than the student’s overall grade level.

Migrated from [OH_stu_acceleration.M_assess].
Math_IRN17.8.0Varchar2(6)Obsolete after FY16. Migrated from [OH_stu_acceleration.M_irn].

Indicates, for the current school year, the number of year(s) a student

was accelerated in math. Migrated from [OH_stu_acceleration.M_yrs].
Math_status22.9.3String(1)Identifies whether a student is accelerated in Math.



Obsolete after FY22 - Identifies if the student is taking a reading assessment at a grade level that is
higher than the student’s overall grade level.

Migrated from [OH_stu_acceleration.R_assess].
Reading_irn17.8.0Varchar2(6)Obsolete after FY16. Migrated from [OH_stu_acceleration.R_irn].

Indicates, for the current school year, the number of year(s) a student

was accelerated in math. Migrated from [OH_stu_acceleration.R_yrs].
Reading_status22.9.3String(1)Identifies whether a student is accelerated in Reading.
SchoolID17.8.0Number(6,0)Obsolete after FY16. Migrated from [OH_stu_acceleration.SchoolID].

Obsolete after FY22 - Identifies if the student is taking a science assessment at a grade level that is
higher than the student’s overall grade level.

Migrated from [OH_stu_acceleration.S_assess].
Science_irn17.8.0Varchar2(6)Obsolete after FY16. Migrated from [OH_stu_acceleration.S_irn].

Indicates, for the current school year, the number of year(s) a student

was accelerated in science. Migrated from [OH_stu_acceleration.S_yrs].
Science_status22.9.3String(1)Identifies whether a student is accelerated in Science.

Obsolete after FY22 - Identifies if the student is taking a writing assessment at a grade level that is
higher than the student’s overall grade level.

Migrated from [OH_stu_acceleration.W_assess].
Writing_irn17.8.0Varchar2(6)Obsolete after FY16. Migrated from [OH_stu_acceleration.W_irn].

Indicates, for the current school year, the number of year(s) a student

was accelerated in writing. Migrated from [OH_stu_acceleration.Writing_yrs]
Writing_status22.9.3String(1)Identifies whether a student is accelerated in Writing.

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