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S_OH_SCH_X_SNAP_C (ver 16.7.0)

This table is a child table of the [SCHOOLS] table.

Column Name


Data Type


ID16.7.0Number(10,0)Primary Key.
SchoolsDCID16.7.0Number(10,0)Foreign key that relates the child table back to the SCHOOLS table.
SnapShotRunID16.7.0Number(11,0)A unique ID assigned to an individual snapshot to distinguish snapshots, when multiple snapshots are completed.
Building_IRN_Default16.7.0VarChar2(50)The state assigned six-digit information retrieval number (IRN) of the district or building, as of the snapshot.
DN_ExcludeFromReporting16.7.0Number(1,0)Indicator to exclude a building from the DN record report, as of the snapshot.
Feeder_School16.7.0VarChar2(20)The principal school into which the majority of the students will enroll after completion of all grade levels in the reporting school, as of the snapshot.
FiscalYear16.7.0Number(11,0)Fiscal year to which data are applicable.
Free_Lunch_Count16.7.0Number(11,0)Count of students attending this building who are eligible to receive free lunches, as of the snapshot.
Reduced_Lunch_Count16.7.0Number(11,0)Count of students attending this building who are eligible to receive lunches at a reduced price, as of the snapshot.
Sig_Before_Or_After16.7.0Number(11,0)School Improvement Grant - increased learning time in before and after school settings, as of the snapshot.
Sig_Ext_School_Day16.7.0Number(11,0)School Improvement Grant - increased learning time by extending the school day, as of the snapshot.
Sig_Ext_School_Year16.7.0Number(11,0)School Improvement Grant - increased learning time by extending the school year, as of the snapshot.
Sig_Other_Time16.7.0Number(11,0)School Improvement Grant - increased learning time in some other time frame not listed above, as of the snapshot.
Sig_Summer_School16.7.0Number(11,0)School Improvement Grant - increased learning time in summer school, as of the snapshot.
Sig_Weekend16.7.0Number(11,0)School Improvement Grant - increased learning time on the week end, as of the snapshot.



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