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S_OH_SCH_X (ver 15.8.0)

This table is an extension of the [SCHOOLS] table.


Column Name


Data Type


SchoolsDCID15.8.0Number(10,0)Foreign key that relates the extended table back to the SCHOOLS table.
ACT_Org_Code17.4.0Number (6,0)The ACT Test High School Code (assigned by the ACT organization.)
Building_IRN_Default15.8.0VarChar2(50)The state assigned six-digit information retrieval number (IRN) of the district or building.
Feeder_School15.8.0VarChar2(20)The principal school into which the majority of the students will enroll after completion of all grade levels in the reporting school.
Free_Lunch_Count15.8.0Number(11,0)Count of students attending this building who are eligible to receive free lunches.
Reduced_Lunch_Count15.8.0Number(11,0)Count of students attending this building who are eligible to receive lunches at a reduced price.
Sig_Before_Or_After15.8.0Number(11,0)School Improvement Grant - increased learning time in before and after school settings.
Sig_Ext_School_Day15.8.0Number(11,0)School Improvement Grant - increased learning time by extending the school day.
Sig_Ext_School_Year15.8.0Number(11,0)School Improvement Grant - increased learning time by extending the school year.
Sig_Other_Time15.8.0Number(11,0)School Improvement Grant - increased learning time in some other time frame not listed above.
Sig_Summer_School15.8.0Number(11,0)School Improvement Grant - increased learning time in summer school.
Sig_Weekend15.8.0Number(11,0)School Improvement Grant - increased learning time on the week end.


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