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This table is an extension of the CST_SUBDISTRICTS table.

Column Name


Data Type


ID21.2.2.0Number(11,0)Primary Key.
CST_SubdistrictsID21.2.2.0Number(11,0)Foreign key that relates the standalone table back to the CST_SUBDISTRICTS table.
ASMTFG3ELA21.2.2.0DateThe first date the Fall 3rd Grade ELA assessment was administered in the district.
ASMTSPRELA21.2.2.0DateThe first date the Spring English Language Arts - all grades, including EOC was administered in the district.
ASMTSPRMSS21.2.2.0DateFirst Date the Spring Math, Science, Social Studies - all grades, including EOC was administered in the district.
GLCGNPRCMT21.10.2.0Number(11,0)Number of doses of glucagon procured on the reported date; report a separate record for each date when glucagon is procured during the current fiscal year.  Moved to S_OH_DN_MED_S table Version 22.9.3.
GLCGNUSAGE21.10.2.0Number(11,0)Number of glucagon doses used on the reported date from the supply procured by the district; report a separate record for each date when a dose is used in the current fiscal year.  Moved to S_OH_DN_MED_S table Version 22.9.3

LEAPRVHARDPS,0)Reported if the district provides computer hardware (including desktops, laptops, or tablets) to all students for use in completing schoolwork at their primary residence. - Preschool, as of the snapshot.
LEAPRVHARDKG21.2.2.0Number(11,0)Reported if the district provides computer hardware (including desktops, laptops, or tablets) to all students for use in completing schoolwork at their primary residence. - Kindergarten, as of the snapshot.
LEAPRVHARD121.2.2.0Number(11,0)Reported if the district provides computer hardware (including desktops, laptops, or tablets) to all students for use in completing schoolwork at their primary residence. - First grade, as of the snapshot.
LEAPRVHARD221.2.2.0Number(11,0)Reported if the district provides computer hardware (including desktops, laptops, or tablets) to all students for use in completing schoolwork at their primary residence. - Second grade, as of the snapshot.
LEAPRVHARD321.2.2.0Number(11,0)Reported if the district provides computer hardware (including desktops, laptops, or tablets) to all students for use in completing schoolwork at their primary residence. - Third grade, as of the snapshot.
LEAPRVHARD421.2.2.0Number(11,0)Reported if the district provides computer hardware (including desktops, laptops, or tablets) to all students for use in completing schoolwork at their primary residence. - Fourth grade, as of the snapshot.
LEAPRVHARD521.2.2.0Number(11,0)Reported if the district provides computer hardware (including desktops, laptops, or tablets) to all students for use in completing schoolwork at their primary residence. - Fifth grade, as of the snapshot.
LEAPRVHARD621.2.2.0Number(11,0)Reported if the district provides computer hardware (including desktops, laptops, or tablets) to all students for use in completing schoolwork at their primary residence. - Sixth grade, as of the snapshot.
LEAPRVHARD721.2.2.0Number(11,0)Reported if the district provides computer hardware (including desktops, laptops, or tablets) to all students for use in completing schoolwork at their primary residence. - Seventh grade, as of the snapshot.
LEAPRVHARD821.2.2.0Number(11,0)Reported if the district provides computer hardware (including desktops, laptops, or tablets) to all students for use in completing schoolwork at their primary residence. - Eighth grade, as of the snapshot.
LEAPRVHARD921.2.2.0Number(11,0)Reported if the district provides computer hardware (including desktops, laptops, or tablets) to all students for use in completing schoolwork at their primary residence. - Ninth grade, as of the snapshot.
LEAPRVHARD1021.2.2.0Number(11,0)Reported if the district provides computer hardware (including desktops, laptops, or tablets) to all students for use in completing schoolwork at their primary residence. - Tenth grade, as of the snapshot.
LEAPRVHARD1121.2.2.0Number(11,0)Reported if the district provides computer hardware (including desktops, laptops, or tablets) to all students for use in completing schoolwork at their primary residence. - Eleventh grade, as of the snapshot.
LEAPRVHARD1221.2.2.0Number(11,0)Reported if the district provides computer hardware (including desktops, laptops, or tablets) to all students for use in completing schoolwork at their primary residence. - Twelfth grade, as of the snapshot.
LEAPRVHARD1321.2.2.0Number(11,0)Reported if the district provides computer hardware (including desktops, laptops, or tablets) to all students for use in completing schoolwork at their primary residence. - Thirteenth grade, as of the snapshot.
LEAPRVWIFI21.2.2.0Number(11,0)Reported if the district provides Wi-Fi access to students outside the building, as of the snapshot.
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