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This table is a standalone table and captures data from the District CRDC page.

Column Name


Data Type




Primary key that relates the extended table back to the Schools table.

SnapshotRunID19.5.1.0Number(10,0)Foreign key
Coord_Disability_Email19.5.1.0VarChar(254)The email address of the district's CRDC Coordinator for compliance with Section 504 and/or Title II.
Coord_Disability_FirstName19.5.1.0VarChar(35)The first name of the district's CRDC Coordinator for compliance with Section 504 and/or Title II.

The last name of the district's CRDC Coordinator for compliance with Section 504 and/or Title II.

Coord_Disability_Phone19.5.1.0VarChar(20)The phone number of the district's CRDC Coordinator for compliance with Section 504 and/or Title II.
Coord_Disability_YN19.5.1.0VarChar(1)Does the LEA have a Civil Rights Coordinator to coordinate efforts to comply with and carry out the responsibilities under federal law prohibiting discrimination against students and others on the basis of disability (Section 504 and/or Title II)?
Coord_Gender_Email19.5.1.0VarChar(254)The email address of the district's CRDC Coordinator for compliance with Title IX.
Coord_Gender_FirstName19.5.1.0VarChar(35)The first name of the district's CRDC Coordinator for compliance with Title IX.
Coord_Gender_LastName19.5.1.0VarChar(35)The last name of the district's CRDC Coordinator for compliance with Title IX.
Gender_Phone19.5.1.0VarChar(20)The phone number of the district's CRDC Coordinator for compliance with Title IX.
Gender_YN19.5.1.0VarChar(1)Does the LEA have a Civil Rights Coordinator to coordinate efforts to comply with and carry out the responsibilities under federal law prohibiting discrimination against students and others on the basis of sex/gender (Title IX)?
Coord_Race_Email19.5.1.0VarChar(254)The email address of the district's CRDC Coordinator for compliance with Title VI.
Coord_Race_FirstName19.5.1.0VarChar(35)The first name of the district's CRDC Coordinator for compliance with Title IV.
Coord_Race_LastName19.5.1.0VarChar(35)The last name of the district's CRDC Coordinator for compliance with Title IV.



The phone number of the district's CRDC Coordinator for compliance with Title IV.

Coord_Race_YN19.5.1.0VarChar(1)Does the LEA have a Civil Rights Coordinator to coordinate efforts to comply with and carry out the responsibilities under federal law prohibiting discrimination against students and others on the basis of race/color/national origin (Title VI)?
DesegOrderOrPlan_YN19.5.1.0VarChar(1)Is this LEA covered by a desegregation order or plan?
DistanceEdEnrolled_YN19.5.1.0VarChar(1)Does the LEA have any students enrolled in any distance educational courses?
FiscalYear19.5.1.0Number(11,0)The fiscal year to which the data in this table relate.
GEDPrepProgram_YN19.5.1.0VarChar(1)Did this LEA operate a High School Equivalency Exam preparation program for students aged 16-19?
HarassmentBullyingPolicy_YN19.5.1.0VarChar(1)Does the LEA have a written policy or policies prohibiting discriminatory harassment or bullying of students on the basis of sex, race/color/national origin, and disability?
HarassmentBullyingPolicyURL19.5.1.0VarChar(30)The URL of the district's written policy or policies prohibiting discriminatory harassment or bullying of students on the basis of sex, race/color/national origin, and disability
HarassmentBullyingPolicyURL_YN19.5.1.0VarChar(1)Does the LEA have a web link to its written policy or policies prohibiting discriminatory harassment or bullying of students?
KGFullDayCost19.5.1.0Number(11,0) Is there a cost associated with full-day kindergarten?
KGPartDayCost19.5.1.0Number(11,0) Is there a cost associated with part-day kindergarten?



The CRDC identification number for the district.

PreKGAge0to2_YN19.5.1.0VarChar(1)Does the LEA provide early childhood services to children birth through age 2?
PreKGAge3to5_YN19.5.1.0VarChar(1)Does the LEA provide preschool services or programs that serve children ages 3 through 5?
PreKGAgeNonIDEA0to2_YN19.5.1.0VarChar(1)Does the LEA provide early childhood services to non-IDEA children birth through age 2?
PreKGAgeNonIDEA3_YN19.5.1.0VarChar(1)Does the LEA provide preschool to non-IDEA students age 3?
PreKGAgeNonIDEA4_YN19.5.1.0VarChar(1)Does this LEA provide preschool to non-IDEA students age 4?
PreKGAgeNonIDEA5_YN19.5.1.0VarChar(1)Does this LEA provide preschool to non-IDEA students age 5?
PreKGEligAll_YN19.5.1.0VarChar(1)Does the LEA offer its preschool service(s) or program(s) to all children?
PreKGEligIDEA_YN19.5.1.0VarChar(1)Does the LEA provide preschool to students with disabilities (IDEA)?
PreKGEligLowIncome_YN19.5.1.0VarChar(1)Does the LEA provide preschool to students from low income families?
PreKGEligTitleI_YN19.5.1.0VarChar(1)Does the LEA provide preschool to students in Title I schools?
PreKGFullDayCost19.5.1.0Number(11,0)Is there a cost associated with full-day preschool?
PreKGPartDayCost19.5.1.0Number(11,0)Is there a cost associated with part-day preschool?
ProvidesKGAny_YN19.5.1.0VarChar(1)Does the LEA provide one or more kindergarten programs that serve any students?
ProvidesKGFullDay_YN19.5.1.0VarChar(1)Does this LEA provide full-day kindergarten?
ProvidesKGPartDay_YN19.5.1.0VarChar(1)Does this LEA provide part-day kindergarten?
ProvidesPreKGFullDay_YN19.5.1.0VarChar(1)Does this LEA provide full-day preschool?
ProvidesPreKGPartDay_YN19.5.1.0VarChar(1)Does this LEA provide part-day preschool?
SubDistrictId19.5.1.0Number(11,0)The sub-district ID for this district within a sub-districted instance.

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