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S_OH_CRS_SNAP_C (ver 16.7.0)

This table is a child table of the [CRS] table.

Column Name


Data Type


ID16.7.0Number(10,0)Primary key.
CoursesDCID16.7.0 Number(10,0)Foreign key that relates the child table back to the CRS table.
SnapShotRunID16.7.0 Number(11,0)A unique ID assigned to an individual snapshot to distinguish snapshots, when multiple snapshots are completed.
Block_Scheduled_Class16.7.0VarChar2(1)Identifies a block scheduled course, as of the snapshot.
Core_Area_Code16.7.0VarChar2(20)Subject area and/or CORE requirement area in which a student has earned credit/units towards graduation, as of the snapshot.
Course_Hours16.7.0Number(11,0)Hours per year that a teacher spends in instruction for the course, as of the snapshot.
Course_Lang16.7.0VarChar2(20)The language(s) used by the teacher when presenting to students, as of the snapshot.
Course_Level16.7.0VarChar2(20)The level of the course, as of the snapshot.
Credit_Flex_Code16.7.0VarChar2(20)Identifies if the course is an approved credit flex course, as of the snapshot.
Credit_Subject_Area16.7.0VarChar2(20)The subject for courses offered in which high school credit toward graduation is being applied, as of the snapshot.
CTA_CBI_Course16.7.0Number(1,0)Identifies courses to be included even if no students are yet enrolled in the course, as of the snapshot.
CTE_College_Credit16.7.0VarChar2(20)Indicates if a career-technical course provides an opportunity for students to earn college credit, as of the snapshot.
Curriculum16.7.0VarChar2(20)The curriculum source/model/program for a specific course, as of the snapshot.
Delivery_Method16.7.0VarChar2(20)Identifies the means by which instruction is provided/communicated to the student(s) in the course, as of the snapshot.
Dual_Credit16.7.0VarChar2(1)Dual Enrollment Credit Earned, as of the snapshot.
Dual_Credit_Override16.7.0Number(25,10)Dual Enrollment Credit Earned Override, as of the snapshot.
Educational_Option16.7.0VarChar2(20)Identifies the Educational Option status for a course, as of the snapshot.
Exclude_From_Truancy17.11.0Number(1,0)A flag to identify courses to exclude time scheduled as absent from Ohio House Bill 410 absence time.
FiscalYear16.7.0Number(11,0)Fiscal year to which data are applicable.
Teacher Licensure_Course (TLC)_IRN16.7.0VarChar2(20)IRN used to group courses for the calculation of the percentage of core courses taught by properly certified or licensed staff, as of the snapshot.
Location_IRN16.7.0VarChar2(20)The IRN of building where the course is held, as of the snapshot.
Provider_IRN16.7.0VarChar2(20)The district IRN of the entity in contract with the reporting school district, as of the snapshot.
Semester_Code16.7.0VarChar2(20)The length of time, in weeks or semesters, that the course is taught, as of the snapshot.
State_ExcludeFromReporting16.7.0Number(1,0)A flag to identify courses that are not to be EMIS reported, as of the snapshot.
Student_Population16.7.0VarChar2(20)Identifies the attributes of the group of students for which the course is intended, as of the snapshot.
Subject_Code16.7.0VarChar2(20)The code for the subject of the course being reported, as of the snapshot.

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