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This table is a standalone table and stores the contact information used during validation portion of the contact conversion mapping process.

Column Name


Data Type


ID 14.6.3 Number(11,0) Primary Key.
CANPICKUP 14.6.3 VarChar2(1) Data point, flag identifying a contact who can pick up associated student, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
CONTACT_SEQUENCE 14.6.3 Number(11,0) Data point,  order in which a contact is notified, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
COPY_OF_CORRESPONDENCE 14.6.3 VarChar2(1) Data point, flag identifying a contact who can receive correspondence associated student, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
CUSTODIAL_FLAG 14.6.3 VarChar2(1) Data point, flag identifying a contact as custodian, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
EMAIL_HOME 14.6.3 VarChar2(60) Data point, home email address, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
EMAIL_OTHER 14.6.3 VarChar2(60) Data point, other email address, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
EMAIL_PERSONAL 14.6.3 VarChar2(60) Data point, personal email address, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
EMAIL_WORK 14.6.3 VarChar2(60) Data point, work email address, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
EMERGENCY_CONTACT 14.6.3 VarChar2(1) Data point, flag identifying a contact as an emergency contact, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
EMPLOYER 14.6.3 VarChar2(60) Data point, contact employer, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
FIRST_NAME 14.6.3 VarChar2(45) Data point, contact first name, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
GENDER 14.6.3 VarChar2(1) Data point, gender of contact, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
JOB_TITLE 14.6.3 VarChar2(25) Data point, contact job title, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
LAST_NAME 14.6.3 VarChar2(45) Data point, contact last name, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
LEGAL_GUARDIANSHIP_FLAG 14.6.3 VarChar2(1) Data point, flag identifying a contact as the legal guardian, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
LINK_ID 14.6.3 Number(11,0) Internal ID used for combining multiple contact records during the contact conversion mapping process
MAILING_ADDRESS_LINE_1 14.6.3 VarChar2(60) Data point, mailing address line 1, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
MAILING_ADDRESS_LINE_2 14.6.3 VarChar2(60) Data point, mailing address line 2, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
MAILING_CITY 14.6.3 VarChar2(30) Data point, mailing address city, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
MAILING_COUNTRY_CODE 14.6.3 VarChar2(2) Data point, mailing address country code, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
MAILING_COUNTY_CODE 14.6.3 VarChar2(2) Data point, mailing address county code, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
MAILING_POSTAL_CODE 14.6.3 VarChar2(11) Data point, mailing address postal code, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
MAILING_STATEPROVINCE_CODE 14.6.3 VarChar2(2) Data point, mailing address state code , used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
MIDDLE_NAME 14.6.3 VarChar2(30) Data point, middle name, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
NOTES 14.6.3 VarChar2(4000) Data point, notes , used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
OTHER_ADDRESS_LINE_1 14.6.3 VarChar2(60) Data point, other address line 1, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
OTHER_ADDRESS_LINE_2 14.6.3 VarChar2(60) Data point, other address line 2, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
OTHER_CITY 14.6.3 VarChar2(30) Data point, other address city, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
OTHER_COUNTRY_CODE 14.6.3 VarChar2(2) Data point, other address country code, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
OTHER_COUNTY_CODE 14.6.3 VarChar2(2) Data point, other address county code, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
OTHER_POSTAL_CODE 14.6.3 VarChar2(11) Data point, other address postal code, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
OTHER_STATEPROVINCE_CODE 14.6.3 VarChar2(2) Data point, other address state code , used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
PHONE_CELL 14.6.3 VarChar2(20) Data point, cell phone , used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
PHONE_CELL_EXT 14.6.3 VarChar2(10) Data point, cell phone extension , used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
PHONE_HOME 14.6.3 VarChar2(20) Data point, home phone , used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
PHONE_HOME_EXT 14.6.3 VarChar2(10) Data point, home phone extension , used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
PHONE_OTHER 14.6.3 VarChar2(20) Data point, other phone , used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
PHONE_OTHER_EXT 14.6.3 VarChar2(10) Data point, other phone extension , used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
PHONE_WORK 14.6.3 VarChar2(20) Data point, work phone , used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
PHONE_WORK_EXT 14.6.3 VarChar2(10) Data point, work phone extension , used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_LINE_1 14.6.3 VarChar2(60) Data point, physical address line 1, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_LINE_2 14.6.3 VarChar2(60) Data point, physical address line 2, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
PHYSICAL_CITY 14.6.3 VarChar2(30) Data point, physical address city, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
PHYSICAL_COUNTRY_CODE 14.6.3 VarChar2(2) Data point, physical address country code, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
PHYSICAL_COUNTY_CODE 14.6.3 VarChar2(2) Data point, physical address county code, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
PHYSICAL_POSTAL_CODE 14.6.3 VarChar2(11) Data point, physical postal code, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
PHYSICAL_STATEPROVINCE_CODE 14.6.3 VarChar2(2) Data point, physical address state code , used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
PREFIX_NAME 14.6.3 VarChar2(6) Data point, name prefix, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
RELATIONSHIP_CODE 14.6.3 VarChar2(4) Data point, contact relationship to student, used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.
STUDENTS_DCID 14.6.3 Number(11,0) A foreign key that relates the extended table to the [Students] table.
SUFFIX_NAME 14.6.3 VarChar2(6) Data point, name suffix , used in the validation process of the contact conversion mapping process.

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