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S_OH_ATC_Truancy_X ver 17.8.0

This table is an extension of the [Attendance_Code] table.

Column Name


Data Type


Primary Key17.8.0Number(10)Autogenerated at record creation.
Considered_present17.8.0Number(11)Indicates if the attendance code is considered present for Ohio reporting rules.
Involuntary_absence17.9.0Number(11)Indicates if the absence hours associated with the code should NOT be added to truancy absence hours total, but should be added to overall attendance reporting on the FS record.
Medical_absence19.11.1.0Number(11)Indicates if the absence hours associated with the code should NOT be added to chronic absence hours total, but should be added to overall attendance reporting on the FS record.
Partial_day17.8.0Number(11)Indicates that the attendance code can be associated with a partial day of absence.

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