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Ohio Student Field History Page Cross-Reference Table

The Ohio Student Field History page (Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > Obsolete tab > History) remains in place after the State/Province - OH page redesign release August 2013. Users can refer to this history information as needed. The new functionality saves history for students to the same virtual table OH_Student_History, but displays it to the user in a new format. To ease the transition, the former user interface, in the form of the History tab, is displayed in the Obsolete tab. Users can view the information but data cannot be edited on this page.

There is an Effective End Date but no Effective Start Date shown for the history records. For report and extract purposes, the Effective Start Date is one day after the previous Effective End Date. If no history records are present for a student, the Effective Start Date is the student's Entry Date for the current enrollment. The Effective End Date will be blank unless the student has been withdrawn.

The Unique ID at the bottom of the History page is used to connect that history record to the following virtual tables in PowerSchool. This Unique ID is automatically generated when a student history record is added to the History tab of the Ohio State Information page.

Virtual Table



Student Attributes — Effective Date Record (FD)


Student Standing Record (FS)


Student Enrollment


Student History

You can use the Student History Marking report to list the students' history records and to update the Student Marked as Having History field on the Home tab. If a student has a history record, the Student Marked as Having History field is set to Student Marked when the report is generated. If the student does not have a history record, this field is set to Student Not Marked.

The following cross-reference table shows the fields on the Ohio Demographic Report Information page (Demog. tab) and the Ohio Enrollment Information page (Enroll. tab) for which a history record is created on the Ohio Student Field History page (History tab).

State Field

Data Element


Ohio Student History Field


Effective End Date


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FS tab
Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FD tab


Student Standing Record (FS)

Student Attributes — Effective Date Record (FD)

Student History Marking

Admission Date


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FS tab


Student Standing Record (FS)

Student History Marking

Student Admission Reason


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FS tab


Student Standing Record (FS)

Student History Marking

Withdraw Reason


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information >


Student Standing Record (FS)

Student History Marking

State Student ID (SSID)


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FS Tab


Student Standing Record (FS)

Student History Marking

Student Percent of Time


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FS tab


Student Standing Record (FS)

Student History Marking

Tuition Type


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FS tab


Student Standing Record (FS)

Student History Marking

District Relationship


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FS tab


Student Standing Record (FS)

Student History Marking

Assigned Building IRN


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FS tab


Student Standing Record (FS)

Student History Marking

Attending Building IRN


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FS tab


Student Standing Record (FS)

Student History Marking

How Received


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FS tab


Student Standing Record (FS)

Student History Marking

How Received IRN


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FS tab


Student Standing Record (FS)

Student History Marking

Legal District of Residence


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FS tab


Student Standing Record (FS)

Student History Marking

Sent Reason 1


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FS tab


Student Standing Record (FS)

Student History Marking

Sent to IRN 1


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FS tab


Student Standing Record (FS)

Student History Marking

Sent to Percent of Time 1


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FS tab


Student Standing Record (FS)

Student History Marking

Sent Reason 2


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FS tab


Student Standing Record (FS)

Student History Marking

Sent to IRN 2


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FS tab


Student Standing Record (FS)

Student History Marking

Sent to Percent of Time 2


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FS tab


Student Standing Record (FS)

Student History Marking

Admitted From IRN


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FS tab


Student Standing Record (FS)

Student History Marking

Withdrawn To IRN


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FS tab


Student Standing Record (FS)

Student History Marking

State Grade Level Equivalent


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FD tab


Student Attributes — Effective Date Record (FD)

Student History Marking

Attendance Pattern


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FD tab


Student Attributes — Effective Date Record (FD)

Student History Marking



Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FD tab


Student Attributes — Effective Date Record (FD)

Student History Marking

Preschool Poverty Level


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FD tab


Student Attributes — Effective Date Record (FD)

Student History Marking

Disability Condition


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FD tab


Student Attributes — Effective Date Record (FD)

Student History Marking

Section 504 Plan


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FD tab


Student Attributes — Effective Date Record (FD)

Student History Marking

Homeless Status


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FD tab


Student Attributes — Effective Date Record (FD)

Student History Marking

Homeless Unaccompanied Youth


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FD tab


Student Attributes — Effective Date Record (FD)

Student History Marking

Limited English Proficiency


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FD tab


Student Attributes — Effective Date Record (FD)

Student History Marking

Migrant Status


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FD tab


Student Attributes — Effective Date Record (FD)

Student History Marking

Foreign Exchange Student Graduation Plan


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FD tab


Student Attributes — Effective Date Record (FD)

Student History Marking

Immigrant Status


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FD tab


Student Attributes — Effective Date Record (FD)

Student History Marking

County of Residence


Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FS tab


Student Standing Record (FS)

Student History Marking

Unique ID





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