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CRDC Specific to Ohio: S_STU_CRDC_X (ver 15.9.0)

This table is an extension of the [STUDENTS] table. This table provides CRDC-specific fields for Ohio.

Column Name


Data Type


StudentsDCID15.9.0Number(10,0)Foreign key.
ACT_YN15.9.0VarChar2(1)Indicates if student took the ACT.
APExam15.9.0VarChar2(1)Indicates status of AP exams taken, if student was taking AP courses.
APExamPassed15.9.0VarChar2(1)Indicates status of AP exams passed, if student was taking AP courses.
GEDPrepProgram_YN15.9.0VarChar2(1)Indicates if the LEA operated a General Educational Development (GED) preparation program for students aged 16-19.
GEDPrepProgramCred_YN15.9.0VarChar2(1)Indicates if the student received a GED program credential.
SAT_YN15.9.0VarChar2(1)Indicates if student took the SAT.

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