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AU_Students ver

An audit table to capture changes to the Students table. In order to generate data the plugin DCF: USA OH Audit must be enabled.

Column Name


Data Type


AUD_SEQ19.7.1.0Number(19)The system assigned number for the record.
Transaction_Date19.7.1.0TimeStamp(6)The date the change was made.
DML_Type19.7.1.0VarChar2(1)Indicates the type of change: update, insert or delete. Table values are saved as U, I, or D
DCID19.7.1.0Number(10)The DCID of the record that is changed.
ID19.7.1.0Number(10)The Student ID of the record that is changed.
O_First_Name19.7.1.0DateThe previous (old) Entry Date prior to the change.
N_First_Name19.7.1.0DateThe new Entry Date associated with this change.
O_Middle_Name19.7.1.0VarChar2(20)The previous (old) Entry Code prior to the change.
N_Middle_Name19.7.1.0VarChar2(20)The new Entry Code associated with this change.
O_Last_Name19.7.1.0DateThe previous (old) Exit Date prior to the change.
N_Last_Name19.7.1.0DateThe new Exit Date associated with this change.
O_Grade_Level19.7.1.0Number(10)The previous (old) Grade_Level prior to the change.
N_Grade_Level19.7.1.0Number(10)The new Grade_Level associated with this change.
O_EntryDate19.7.1.0DateThe previous (old) Entry Date prior to the change.
N_EntryDate19.7.1.0DateThe new Entry Date prior to the change.
O_ExitDate19.7.1.0VarChar2(20)The previous (old) Exit Date prior to the change.
N_ExitDate19.7.1.0VarChar2(20)The new Exit Date associated with this change.
O_SchoolID19.7.1.0Number(10)The previous (old) School ID prior to the change.
N_SchoolID19.7.1.0Number(10)The new School ID associated with this change.
O_Gender19.7.1.0VarChar2(2)The previous (old) gender code associated with this change.
N_Gender19.7.1.0VarChar2(2)The new gender code associated with this change.
O_State_StudentNumber19.7.1.0VarChar2(32)The previous (old) state_studentnumber prior to this change.
N_State_StudentNumber19.7.1.0VarChar2(32)The new state_studentnumber associated with this change.
O_Street19.7.1.0VarChar2(60)The previous (old) street address prior to this change.
N_Street19.7.1.0VarChar2(60)The new street address prior associated with this change.
O_Zip19.7.1.0VarChar2(10)The previous (old) zip code prior to this change.
N_Zip19.7.1.0VarChar2(10)The new zip code associated with this change.
O_Home_Phone19.7.1.0VarChar2(30)The previous (old) home phone number prior to this change.
N_Home_Phone19.7.1.0VarChar2(30)The new new home phone number associated with this change.
IP_Address19.7.1.0VarChar2(39)The IP address associated with the computer from which this change was processed.
WhoModifiedID19.7.1.0Number(10)The user ID of the person who made the change.
WhoModifiedType19.7.1.0VarChar2(1)The user type associated with the person who made the change. Table values are saved as A for Admin; T for Teacher; P for Parent; S for Student; U for Substitute; M for Maintenance and '?' for Unknown.

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