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S_NY_USR_X (ver 16.1.0)

This table is an extension of the [Users] table, which maintains additional user details.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary key that relates the extended table to the [Users] table.

DistrictExitDate16.1.0DateThe date the staff member left the employ of the district. Migrates from [Teachers]NY_Exit_Date.
DistrictHireDate16.1.0DateThe date the staff member was originally hired by the the district. Migrates from [Teachers]NY_Org_Hire_Date.
State_ExcludeFromReporting16.1.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether or not the employee should be excluded from state reporting. Migrates from [Teachers]NY_ExcludeStaff.
StateStaffID16.1.0Varchar2(12)The unique identifying number assigned by the state to the employee. Migrates from [Teachers]NY_StaffID.
TenureDate16.1.0DateThe date the staff member attained tenure as a teacher. Migrates from [Teachers]NY_Tenure_Date
YearsInDistrict16.1.0Number(11,0)The number of years the employee has been employed in the district. Migrates from [Teachers]NY_Yrs_In_Dist.
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