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S_NY_STU_X (ver 16.8.0)

This table is an extension of the [Students] table.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary key that relates the extended table back to the [Students] table.




Indicates if the student is considered neglected or not. Migrates from [Students]AtRisk.

DiplomaType16.1.0VARCHAR2(3)The type of graduation credential earned by the student. Migrates from [Students]Diploma_Kind.
BackmappingBEDSCode16.1.0VARCHAR2(12)The 12-digit BEDS code of the student's feeder code. Migrates from [Students]NY_Backmapping_BEDS_Code.
CreditAttemptedMethod16.8.0VARCHAR2(8)The GPA method to be used as an override for calculating cumulative potential credits earned by this student. Migrates from [Students]NY_Crd_Att_Method.
CreditEarnedMethod16.8.0VARCHAR2(8)The GPA method to be used as an override for calculating cumulative credits earned by this student. Migrates from [Students]NY_Crd_Ern_Method.
DateOfEntryGrade916.1.0DATEThe date the student entered the 9th grade in a U.S. school. Migrates from [Students]NY_dateofentrygrade9.
ExcludeFromAttendance16.1.0NUMBER(1,0)If checked, the student is excluded from the AT-6 and SA-129 reports. Migrates from [Students]NY_ExcludeAttendance.
GPAMethod16.8.0VARCHAR2(8)The GPA method to be used as an override for this student. Migrates from [Students]NY_Gpa_Method.
KindergartenCode16.1.0VARCHAR2(2)The type of kindergarten program this student is enrolled in, if applicable. Migrates from [Students]NY_Kindergarten.
PreviousStudentNumber16.1.0VARCHAR2(12)The student's previous ID, if applicable. Migrates from [Students]NY_LocalStudentID.
LocationCode16.1.0VARCHAR2(6)The overridden local BOCES building code for this enrollment. Migrates from [Students]NY_LocationCode.
MaxGPA16.1.0NUMBER(25,10)The maximum possible GPA value to be used as an override for this student. Migrates from [Students]NY_Max_GPA.
MinGPA16.1.0NUMBER(25,10)The minimum possible GPA value to be used as an override for this student. Migrates from [Students]NY_Min_GPA.
R4B_EnrollCode16.1.0VARCHAR2(4)Override code indicating the reason for beginning the enrollment if none of the standard entry codes apply. Migrates from [Students]NY_R4B_EnrollCode.
R4E_EnrollCode16.1.0VARCHAR2(4)Override code indicating the reason for ending the enrollment if none of the standard exit codes apply. Migrates from [Students]NY_R4E_EnrollCode.
SSE_GradeLevel16.1.0VARCHAR2(5)Override school enrollment grade level for the enrollment if none of the standard grade levels apply. Migrates from [Students]NY_SSE_GradeLevel.
PostGradDestination16.1.0VARCHAR2(2)The student’s planned postgraduate activity. Migrates from [Students]Postgrad_Destin.
State_ExcludeEnrollment16.1.0NUMBER(1,0)Indicates if the specific school enrollment should be excluded from state reporting. Migrates from [Students]State_ExcludeEnrollment.
Adult_Student_Indicator_TF16.12.0BooleanIndicate if the student is adult student.
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