S_NY_SCH_X (ver 16.8.0)
This table is an extension of the [Schools] table.
Column Name | Version Number | Data Type | Description |
SchoolsDCID | 16.1.0 | Number(10,0) | Primary key that relates the extended table back to the [Schools] table. |
AttModeInstructMinutes | 16.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | The attendance mode for calculating Instructional minutes for the school. Migrates from [Schools]NY_ATT_MODE_INST_MINS. |
BEDSCode | 16.1.0 | VarChar2(12) | The 12-digit BEDS code of this school. Migrates from [Schools]NY_BEDS_Code. |
BOCESBuilding | 16.1.0 | VarChar2(6) | The BOCES building code of this school. Migrates from [Schools]NY_BOCES_Bldg. |
CreditAttemptedMethod | 16.8.0 | VarChar2(8) | The GPA credit calculation method to be used for calculating cumulative potential credits. Migrates from [Schools]NY_Crd_Att_Method. |
CreditEarnedMethod | 16.8.0 | VarChar2(8) | The GPA credit calculation method to be used for calculating cumulative credits earned. Migrates from [Schools]NY_Crd_Ern_Method. |
DistrictLocationCode | 16.1.0 | VarChar2(7) | Used by private or parochial schools to override the district code entered on the District Information page. Migrates from [Schools]NY_DistLocCode. |
ExcludeFromAttendance | 16.1.0 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether or not the school is excluded from attendance reporting in the SA-129 report. Migrates from [Schools]NY_ExcludeFromAtt. |
GPAMethod | 16.8.0 | VarChar2(8) | The GPA method to be used by this school. Migrates from [Schools]NY_Gpa_Method. |
MaxGPA | 16.1.0 | Number(25,10) | The maximum possible GPA value for a student at this school. Migrates from [Schools]NY_Max_GPA. |
MinGPA | 16.1.0 | Number(25,10) | The minimum possible GPA value for a student at this school. Migrates from [Schools]NY_Min_GPA. |