S_NY_SCH_COUNSELOR_C (ver 17.8.0)
This table is an extension of the Students table and holds demographic information for students in New York.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
ID | 17.8.0 | NUMBER(10,0) | Primary key |
SCHOOLSDCID | 17.8.0 | NUMBER(10,0) | Foreign Key of Schools Table- Stores schoolsdcid |
Id_Number | 17.8.0 | VARCHAR2(12) | Indicates ID Number of Guidance Counselors. |
District_Code | 17.8.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | Indicates override value for District Code. |
Counselor_Name | 17.8.0 | VARCHAR2(30) | Stores the name of Guidance Counselors. |
CounselorStatus_TF | 17.8.0 | NUMBER(1) | Indicates Guidance Counselor Active/Inactive |