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S_NY_CRS_X (ver 16.1.0)

This table is an extension of the [Courses] table.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary key that relates the extended table back to the [Courses] table.




State course code to include in eScholar reports. Migrates from [Courses]NY_AltCrs_Number.
AssessmentDate116.1.0DateThe start date of the first state assessment period associated with the course. Migrates from [Courses]NY_Crs_Assess_Dt.
AssessmentDate216.1.0DateThe start date of the second state assessment period associated with the course. Migrates from [Courses]NY_Crs_Assess_Dt2.
AssessmentDate316.1.0DateThe start date of the third state assessment period associated with the course. Migrates from [Courses]NY_Crs_Assess_Dt3.
State_ExcludeFromReporting16.1.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether or not the course should be excluded from state reporting. Migrates from [Courses]NY_Exclude_State_Rpt.
ExcludeFromGradeReporting16.1.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether or not the course should be excluded from state grade reporting. Migrates from [Courses]NY_ExcludeFromGradeReporting.
SummerSchool16.1.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether or not the course was offered as a summer school course. Migrates from [Courses]NY_Is_SS_course.
RegentExam16.1.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether or not the grade awarded for this course is affected by the regent exam. Migrates from [Courses]NY_RegentExam.
BocesReporting_TF17.1.0Number(1,0)A flag/checkbox used to indicate that the class is a BOCES class.
BOVL_Code17.1.0VarChar2(6)A freeform text field to enter the BOCES virtual location code.
PRIMARYINSTRUCTDELIVERYMETHOD17.8.0VarChar2(8)A drop-down field to designate a course/section with a Primary Instruction Delivery Method.
PrimaryInstructLangCode18.8.0VarChar2(20)An input text-field, which auto-completes the 'Home Language Codes' in the Courses page.

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