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Student Setup

The following data elements are required for student setup. The first two pages of navigation are removed for brevity:
Start Page > Student.

  1. On the Start Page, select the School link at the top of the page.
  2. Choose the appropriate school from the pop-up menu.
  3. Click Submit.
  4. Select the first letter of the student's last name.
  5. Select a student from the list. The last accessed student information page opens for the student selected.

Note: For more information on code values, see the Appendix.

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Entering Demographics


Name (last, first MI)

Enter the student's name.

Format: LastName, FirstName MiddleName







Enter the student's date of birth.



Federal Ethnicity and Race: Ethnicity

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the student is Hispanic or Latino.

If you set up the option to allow the student to decline to specify ethnicity (District level setting), then select this value, if appropriate.

Valid Values:

  • 0 – No, not Hispanic or Latino (default)
  • 1 – Yes, Hispanic or Latino
  • 2 – Decline to specify (if used)



Not Required

Federal Ethnicity and Race: Race

Select the checkbox for the appropriate federal race category.
If you set up the option to allow the student to decline to specify race, then select this value, if appropriate.




Not Required

Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity

Choose the student's ethnicity, used in PowerSchool reports.



Enrollment by Grade_Level and Ethnicity


Choose either female or male from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • F – Female
  • M – Male



Monthly Enroll & Attend
Enrollment by Grade_Level and Ethnicity

Federal Ethnicity and Race: Ethnicity

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the student is Hispanic or Latino.

If you set up the option to allow the student to decline to specify ethnicity (District level setting), then select this value, if appropriate.

Valid Values:

  • -1 – Default, no value
  • 0 – No, not Hispanic or Latino
  • 1 – Yes, Hispanic or Latino
  • 2 – Decline to specify



Not Required


Enter the student's social security number.



Student Number

Enter the locally assigned student number.



Modifying Information

Modify Information

District Entry Date

Enter the student's district entry date.

This field can also be populated on the Nevada Student Information page.



District Entry Grade Level

Enter the student's district entry grade level.



Not Reported

School Entry Date

Enter the student's school entry date.

This field can also be populated on the Nevada Student Information page.



School Entry Grade Level

Enter the student's school entry grade level.



Not Reported

Adding Nevada Student Information

State/Province – NV > Nevada Student Information

Primary Language

Choose the student's primary language from the pop-up menu.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Post High School Outcome

Choose the students post highschool outcome from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • 1 – Employed (20 or more hrs/week)
  • 2 – Continuing Education
  • 3 – In the Military
  • 4 – Employed and Continuing Education
  • 5 – Unemployed



Remedial Course Taken at UCCSN (leave blank for now)

Choose the student's remedial course status from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • Blank
  • N – No
  • Y – Yes



High School Completion Type

Choose the student's high school completion type from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • B18 – Standard Diploma
  • B19 – Advanced Diploma
  • B21 – Adjusted Diploma
  • B22 – Certificate of Attendance
  • B24 – Adult High School Diploma
  • B25 – High School Equivalency Certificate
  • B30 – Did not Graduate



High School Completion Date

Enter the student's high school completion date.



Original Graduation Year (4 Years after first entry into 9th grade)

Not Reported

Not Reported


Not Reported

Alternate Test Taker

Not Reported

Not Reported


Not Reported

Transient Flag

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate the student's transient status.



Academically Disadvantaged

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether the student is academically disadvantaged.



Economically Disadvantaged

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether the student is economically disadvantaged.



Migratory Status Date

Enter the student's migratory status date.



Date Entered into the U.S.

Not Reported

Not Reported


Not Reported

Date Entered into District

Enter the date that the student started attending a school in the district.

This field can also be populated on the Modify Information page, Start Page > Student > Modify Information.



Date Entered into School

Enter the date that the student started attended the school.

This field can also be populated on the Modify Information page, Start Page > Student > Modify Information.



Birth City

Not Reported

Not Reported


Not Reported

State of Birth

Not Reported

Not Reported


Not Reported

Birth Country

Not Reported

Not Reported


Not Reported

New in Country

Not Reported

Not Reported


Not Reported

Foreign Exchange Student

Not Reported

Not Reported


Not Reported

Defining Student Program Participation

State/Province – NV > Click HERE to Create/Edit this Student's Program Participations

Nevada State Information > Student Programs

Program Participation Type

Choose the student's program participation type from the pop-up menu.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Subprogram Type

Choose the subprogram type, if applicable, from the pop-up menu.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Disability Category

Choose the student's disability category from the pop-up menu, if applicable.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Service Setting

The setting in which the program is administered.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Service Setting, Duplicated Counts

The service setting duplicated counts selection.

Valid values:

  • 1 – Correctional facilities
  • 2 – Private schools



Program Participation Start Date

The date the student's participation in the program began.



Program Participation End Date

The date the student's participation in the program ended.



Special Education Exit Reason

The reason the student exited the program, for programs related to special education.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Class Configuration for Class Size Reduction in Grade 1

The class configuration for classes with class size reduction implemented in grade level 1.

Valid values:

  • 1 – Self-Contained (one teacher in the classroom)
  • 2 – Team Teaching (two teachers in the classroom)
  • 3 – Other (Classrooms utilizing other plans to reduce class size)
  • 4 – Alternative Program (in place of reducing class)



Class Configuration for Class Size Reduction in Grade 2

The class configuration for classes with class size reduction implemented in grade level 2.

Valid values:

  • 1 – Self-Contained (one teacher in the classroom)
  • 2 – Team Teaching (two teachers in the classroom)
  • 3 – Other (Classrooms utilizing other plans to reduce class size)
  • 4 – Alternative Program (in place of reducing class)



Class Configuration for Class Size Reduction in Grade 3

The class configuration for classes with class size reduction implemented in grade level 3.

Valid values:

  • 1 – Self-Contained (one teacher in the classroom)
  • 2 – Team Teaching (two teachers in the classroom)
  • 3 – Other (Classrooms utilizing other plans to reduce class size)
  • 4 – Alternative Program (in place of reducing class)



School in Which Program Transaction Occurred

The identifier for the school at which the program transaction occurred.

If this field is not populated for the program record, then the student's current school identifier is reported.



Defining Student Test Assessments

State/Province – NV > Click HERE to Create/Edit this Student's Assessments

Nevada State Information > Student Assessments

Test Name

Enter the test name.



Test Date

Enter the date the test was administered.



Test Score

Enter the score awarded to the student.



Test Score Type

Enter the test score type.



Test Conditions for LEP, IEP, and 504

Enter any test conditions for LEP, IEP, and 504 students.



Test Non-Participation Reason

Enter the reason the student was exempt from the test, if applicable.



Grade_Level When Tested

Enter the grade level of the student when the test was administered.



School Test Taken In

Enter the school associated with the test record.



Verifying Student Attendance Data



Verify that attendance data is entered for the student.



Monthly Enroll & Attend

Verifying Historical Grades

Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade


Verify the school associated with the historical grade.



Required Setup

School year (Term)

Verify the school year term associated with the historical grade.



Required Setup

Store code

Verify the store code associated with the historical grade.



Required Setup

Hist. grade level

Verify the grade level associated with the historical grade.
For the Ext05CourseHistoryTable report, the grade level must be 7 or 8 for middle school or 9, 10, 11, or 12 for high school.



Required Setup

Associated section

Verify the section associated with the historical grade.



Required Setup

Course number

Verify the course number associated with the historical grade.



Required Setup

Course name

Verify the course name associated with the historical grade.



Required Setup


Verify the alpha grade.



Earned Credit Hours

Verify the credit awarded for the historical grade.



Potential Credit Hours

Verify the potential credit associated with the historical grade.



Not Reported

Credit type

Verify the credit type assigned to the historical grade.
For the Ext05CourseHistoryTable report, the credit type must be AG, AH, AR, EL, EN, HE, LA, MA,PE, SC, SS, or UC.



Exclude from GPA

Verify whether the historical grade is excluded from the GPA.
For the Ext05CourseHistoryTable report, if the grade is excluded from the GPA, it is also excluded from the report.



Creating Discipline Log Entries

Log Entries > Edit/New Log Entry

Date & Time

Enter the log entry date & time.





The name of the staff member who created the log entry. This value is the first, middle, and last names of the staff member as entered via Start Page > Staff > Edit Staff Information. The staff member identity is based on the login and password used to log into PowerSchool. The name is automatically recorded when the log entry is created, but not automatically updated when the log entry record is edited.



Log Type

Choose the log entry type from the pop-up menu.

For the Ext09DisciplineTable report, the log type must be "Discipline".

For the Ext10FERPA-Table report, the log type must be "FERPA".




Choose the log entry subtype from the pop-up menu.

For the Ext09DisciplineTable report, the subtype must begin with "AE".



Log Entry Text

The reason why the record was created.



Incident School ID

Enter the ID of the school associated with this log entry.



Choosing Student Lunch Status


Lunch Status

Choose the lunch status from the pop-up menu.


Defining Information Across All Enrollments

All Enrollments > Edit Enrollment Record


Information about the class of enrollment.






Enroll Date

Enter the enroll date.



Exit Date

Enter the exit date.



Editing Current/Previous Enrollments

Transfer Information > Edit Current/Previous Enrollment

Entry Date

Enter the entry date for the school enrollment.

Note: The date is the first day of school enrollment.




Monthly Enroll & Attend
Enrollment by Grade_Level and Ethnicity

Entry Code

Choose the entry code for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu.

For the Monthly Enrollment and Attendance Report, the entry code must start with "E" to indicate a new entry and "R" to indicate a re-entry.

Note: You must choose an entry code for all school enrollments.




Monthly Enroll & Attend

Exit Date

Enter the exit date for the school enrollment.

Note: The date is the day after the last day of school enrollment, even if that day occurs during a weekend.




Monthly Enroll & Attend
Enrollment by Grade_Level and Ethnicity

Exit Code

Choose the exit code for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu.
For the Monthly Enrollment and Attendance Report, the student's exit code must start with "W" to be considered a withdrawal.
Note: You must choose an exit code for school enrollments where the exit date is in the past.




Monthly Enroll & Attend

Full-Time Equivalency

Choose the full-time equivalency for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu.




Required for Attendance

Grade Level

Choose the grade level for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu.




Monthly Enroll & Attend
Enrollment by Grade_Level and Ethnicity


Choose track for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu.




District of Residence

Choose the district of residence for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu.




Required Setup

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