S_NM_USR_X (ver 15.11.0)
This is an extension of the Users table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
UsersDCID | 15.11.0 | Number(10,0) | Primary Key |
RelatedServiceTo3Y4Y_YN | 15.11.0 | Varchar2(5) | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_3y4yFlag]. |
BaccalaureateDegreeInstitution | 15.11.0 | Varchar2(5) | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_BaccalaureateDegreeInstitution]. |
BilingualEndorsed | 15.11.0 | Varchar2(5) | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_BilingualEndorsed]. |
ExcludeFromStateReports_TF | 15.11.0 | Boolean | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_Exclude_From_StateReports]. |
ExitCode | 15.11.0 | Varchar2(10) | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_Exit_Code]. |
ExitDate | 15.11.0 | Date | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_Exit_Date]. |
FederalFundingOverride | 15.11.0 | Double | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_FederalFundingOverride]. |
HighestDegreeEarned | 15.11.0 | Varchar2(5) | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_HighestDegreeEarned]. |
HighestDegreeInstitution | 15.11.0 | Varchar2(5) | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_HighestDegreeInstitution]. |
TeacherReceivesHQMS_YN | 15.11.0 | Varchar2(5) | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_HQMS_BeginningTeacher]. |
TeacherCompletedHQMS_YN | 15.11.0 | Varchar2(5) | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_HQMC_BeginningTeacher]. |
AdminReceivesHQPD_YN | 15.11.0 | Varchar2(5) | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_HQPD_Administrators]. |
TeacherReceivesHQPD_YN | 15.11.0 | Varchar2(5) | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_HQPD_Teachers]. |
InServiceTraining_YN | 15.11.0 | Varchar2(5) | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_InServiceTrainingFlag]. |
InstructionalDuties_YN | 15.11.0 | Varchar2(5) | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_InstructionalDuties]. |
MedicaidFundingOverride | 15.11.0 | Double | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_MedicaidInTheSchoolsFundingOverride]. |
PctSalaryFromFederalFunding | 15.11.0 | Double | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_PercentSalaryFromFederalFunding]. |
PctSalaryFromMedicaidFunding | 15.11.0 | Double | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_PercentSalaryFromMedicaidInTheSchoolsFunding]. |
PctSalaryFromPrivateFunding | 15.11.0 | Double | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_PercentSalaryFromPrivateFunding]. |
PctSalaryFromPublicFunding | 15.11.0 | Double | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_PercentSalaryFromPublicFunding]. |
PctSalaryFromStateOpFunding | 15.11.0 | Double | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_PercentSalaryFromStateOperationalFunding]. |
PrivateFundingOverride | 15.11.0 | Double | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_PrivateFundingOverride]. |
PublicFundingOverride | 15.11.0 | Double | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_PublicFundingOverride]. |
Salary | 15.11.0 | Double | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_Salary]. |
SSNEducationalAssistant | 15.11.0 | Varchar2(20) | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_SSNEducationalAssistant]. |
SSNEducationalAssistant2 | 15.11.0 | Varchar2(20) | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_SSNEducationalAssistant2]. |
StaffStatus | 15.11.0 | Varchar2(10) | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_StaffStatus]. |
StateOpFundingOverride | 15.11.0 | Double | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_StateOperationalFundingOverride]. |
Title1cFteOverride | 15.11.0 | Double | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_Title1cFteOverride]. |
Title1cFtePercent | 15.11.0 | Double | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_Title1cFtePercent]. |
TitleIaFteOverride | 15.11.0 | Double | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_TitleIaFteOverride]. |
TitleIaFtePercent | 15.11.0 | Double | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_TitleIaFtePercent]. |
TitleIiFteOverride | 15.11.0 | Double | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_TitleIiFteOverride]. |
TitleIiFtePercent | 15.11.0 | Double | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_TitleIiFtePercent]. |
Tribe | 15.11.0 | Varchar2(10) | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_Tribe]. |
YearsOfExp | 15.11.0 | Integer | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_YearsOfExperience]. |
YearsOfExpOutsideDistrict | 15.11.0 | Integer | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_YearsOfExperienceOutsideDistrict]. |
OrigHireDate | 15.11.0 | Date | The date the staff member was originally hired by the district. |
StartDateOverride | 15.11.0 | Date | Staff Contract Start Date |
Location1 | 15.11.0 | Integer | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_3y4yFlag]. |
Location2 | 15.11.0 | Integer | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_3y4yFlag]. |
Location3 | 15.11.0 | Integer | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_3y4yFlag]. |
Location4 | 15.11.0 | Integer | [Migrated from [SchoolStaff.NM_3y4yFlag]. |
TimeUsed | 16.5.0 | Double | Staff Absent Time Used during current year. |
Licensed_BEPFund | 16.9.4 | Varchar2(1) | Licensed to receive BEP funding (Y/N). Note: data moved/copied from S_NM_SSF_X |
EmplymntVer | | Varchar2(10) | Employment Eligibility Verification |
HomeLangCode | | Varchar2(5) | Home Language Code |
NationalCertified | | Varchar2(1) | National Certified |
LicenseNumber | | varchar2(8) | License Number |