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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-282493All States/Provinces: PowerTeacher Multi-Day Attendance Page "No Blank Attendance" Update for Future Attendance

Multi-Day Attendance page has been updated and will no longer require attendance be entered for future dates for the page to be submitted when "No Blank Attendance" setting is enabled.

PSSR-286887NJ SMART SID Management Extract Report EOY Updates 2021-22

NJ SMART SID Management Extract version 4.2
The NJ SMART SID Management Extract report is updated as following:
• Two new columns, DeafHardOfHearing and LanguageAcquisition are added, the data are extracted from [S_NJ_STU_X]/[S_NJ_REN_X].DeafHardOfHearing_YN and [S_NJ_STU_X]/[S_NJ_REN_X]LanguageAcquisition
• Extract 0 for Remote Days Present AND Remote Days Absent if Student Learning Environment = 1

PSSR-286962NJS SID Management UI Updates: EOY 2021-22

To Support the EOY submission for the NJS SID Management Report , the following data entry changes are made:
1. Two new data fields are added:
• DeafHardOfHearing_YN and LanguageAcquisition are added to S_NJ_STU_X and S_NJ_REN_X tables
• Deaf/Hard Of Hearing and Language Acquisition are added after Determined Ineligible in the Program/Enrollment Section on the State/Province-NJ > NJS SID Management tab
• Deaf/Hard Of Hearing and Language Acquisition are added on Previous Enrollment page

2. Field Value Update for both ELA/MATH Graduation Pathway fields
• Add (S) NJ Grad Prof. Assessment-NJGPA
• Update (W) to have (2021 only) at the end

3. Field Value Update for FederalHSMathTestingReq
• Update value F to (F) Student took a federal required assessment while attending a high school in another state

4. Field Value Update for IEPGraduationCourseRequirement
• Update descriptions for
(1) The student did not meet the state course requirements for graduation because of an exemption or modification in their IEP
(2) The student did meet the state course requirements

5. Field Value Update for IEPGraduationAttendance
• Update descriptions for
(1) (1) The student did not meet the local attendance requirements for graduation because of an exemption or modification in their IEP
(2) The student did meet the local attendance requirements

PSSR-275899Start Strong Assessment Registration Report 2021-22 Updates

NJ Start Strong Assessment Registration Report version 1.1
The NJ Start Strong Assessment Registration Report is updated as following -
• The report run successfully without a science grade level in the selection.
• The logic for the column Administration Directions Read Aloud in Student's Native Language is updated to report Y if a non-null value is found. Else, report N

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