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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


NJ SMART SID Management Report 2021-2022 Report Updates

NJ SMART SID Management Extract 3.5
The NJ SMART SID Management report is updated to meet the 2021-2022 submission requirements. To track student mobility, a record is now created for each school of enrollment during the reporting period. The report parameter page is updated to remove Truancy information. A new attendance code category of NJ_Excused is required. The report is also updated as identified below:

The following data elements have been removed:
• CumulativeDaysInMembership
• CumulativeDaysTowardsTruancy
• RemoteDaysInMembership

The following data elements have been renamed:
• CumulativeDaysPresent is now NumberOfDaysPresent
• Status is now School Status

The following data elements that were previously collected in the State Submission are now included:
• CityOfResidence
• MirgrantStatus
• EighthTechnologicalLiteracy
• HealthInsuranceStatus
• HealthInsuranceProvider
• HomeLanguage
• ImmigrantStatus
• FirstEntryDateIntoAUSSchool
• Homeless
• HomelessPrimaryNighttimeResidence
• AlternativeEducationProgram
• TitleIScience
• TitleIMath
• TitleILanguage

The following data elements have been added:
• RemoteDaysAbsent (calculated)
• District Status (calculated)
• SchoolEntryCode
• DaysOpen (calculated)
• NumberOfDaysAbsent (calculated)
• NumberOfStateExcusedAbsences (calculated)

To ensure state excused absences are reported accurately, a new attendance code category of NJ_Excused should be created at each reporting school. All state excused absence codes in use must be mapped to the new category. Also, a review of the attendance conversion setup may be required to ensure that only shared time students are receiving .5 attendance for the day.

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