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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-264205NJ SMART SID Management Extract: Update to Add LIEP Language of Instruction

NJ SMART SID Management Extract: Version 3.2
The NJ SMART SID Management Report is updated to include a new column LIEPLanguageOfInstruction that will extract the value stored for the selected students. Value is set on the NJS SID student tab.

PSSR-264148NJ - NJ SMART SID Management: Additional Field 2020-2021 LIEP Language of Instruction

A new field “LIEP Language of Instruction” is added after LIEP Type (Language Instruction Educational Program) field in the below pages and it is a smart search list, which will show a list of entries after entering 1-2 characters.

  • Start > Student Selection > State/Province-NJ > NJS SID

  • Start Page > Student Selection > Transfer Information > Edit Current Enrollment

  • Start Page > Student Selection > Transfer Information > Edit Previous Enrollment

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