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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-247607All States/Provinces: Learning Preferences Functionality Updates

The following updates have been made to the Learning Preferences functionality:

  • Learning Preferences Code creation link is moved to District Setup page under the Code Sets link.
  • The Code Start Date & Code End Date are now editable.
  • The Learning Preferences link at Student-Level is renamed to Digital Equity & Learning Preferences.
  • When creating a new record, field values from the last record with the greatest Effective Date carry forward if present.
    • Fields that copy to a new record:
      • Internet In Residence
      • Internet Access
      • Internet Performance
      • Device Access
      • Device Type
      • Device Serial number
      • Paper Learning Packets
PSSR-258722All States/Provinces: Digital Equity & Learning Preferences Functionality Updates

The following updates have been made to the Learning Preferences functionality:

  • Learning Preferences Code creation link is moved to District Setup page under the Code Sets link.
    • If a state has code sets disabled then the Learning Preferences Code creation link can be found at the last section under the Code Setup Header
  • The Code Start Date & Code End Date are now editable.
  • The Learning Preferences link at Student-Level is renamed to Digital Equity & Learning Preferences.
  • When creating a new record, field values from the last record with the greatest Effective Date carry forward if present.
    • Fields that copy to a new record:
      • Internet In Residence
      • Internet Access
      • Internet Performance
      • Device Access
      • Device Type
      • Device Serial number
      • Paper Learning Packets
  • Access to the Digital Equity & Learning Preferences link, at the student level, is now governed by a check box in the "Edit Security Group" page (path below).
    Path: Start page> System> Groups>[ select group ]
    Upon receiving the update, administrators must go into security groups and give the appropriate groups access to this page.
    Note: This security group setting is suppressed for ND and TX.
PSSR-258077All States/Provinces: Common Snapshot Report Failure

The Snapshot reports are updated to no longer fail with an Int2long Error.  The reports now run and complete successfully.

PSSR-188128ASSA Regional/Consolidated Enrollment Breakdown Report: Update for SPED Students

ASSA Enrollment Report: Version 2.3
The NJ ASSA Enrollment is updated to include students who are marked as "Special Education Enrollment Private School Disabled" as "Special Education Enrollment On Roll Full".

PSSR-258572CTE Submission Updates 2020-21: Data Entry Fields

The following changes are made to the student CTE tab to support the 2020-21 CTE submission:

Field 'Program Of Study' is relabeled as 'CTE College Credits Earned'.

Field 'Program Of Study College Credits' is relabeled as 'Number Of CTE College Credits'.

A new drop-down field 'Type Of Earned College Credits' is added below the 'CTE College Credits Earned' field.

A new drop-down field 'Type Of Work-Based Learning' is added below the 'Work-Based Learning' field.

Existing field 'Student Learning Environment' is now displayed on the CTE tab below the 'Type Of Work-Based Learning' field.

Fields 'CumulativeDaysInMembership', 'CumulativeDaysPresent', and 'CumulativeDaysTowardsTruancy' no longer display on the tab.

PSSR-258573CTE Submission Updates 2020-21: Report Update

NJ SMART Career and Technical Education Submission: Version 2.5
The following updates have been applied to the NJ SMART Career and Technical Education Submission report

  • 3 New Columns are Included
    • TypeOfEarnedCollegeCredits
    • TypeOfWorkbasedLearning
    • StudentLearningEnvironment
  • 5 Existing Columns are renamed
    • ProgramOfStudy -> CTECollegeCreditsEarned
    • ProgramOfStudyCollegeCredits -> NumberOfCTECollegeCredits
    • CountyCodeAssigned -> CTECountyCodeAssigned
    • DistrictCodeAssigned -> CTEDistrictCodeAssigned
    • SchoolCodeAssigned -> CTESchoolCodeAssigned
  • 3 Columns are no longer Included
    • CumulativeDaysInMembership
    • CumulativeDaysPresent
    • CumulativeDaysTowardsTruancy
PSSR-255554NJS SID Tab Update: New Field - Bridge Year

A new field with a label of 'Bridge Year' is added below the existing field, 'Pathway Indicator'. This field is to be used as indication of whether the student plans to or is currently participating in the Bridge Year Pilot Program.

PSSR-258607NJ - New Health Field: Student Health Identification Number

A new field to record a student's Immunization Registry Number is added to the student Emergency/Medical page.  The value entered will display on the Immunization tab located in Students > Health > Immunizations tab.

PSSR-257585NJ SID Tab Update: Description an Field Location Change
  • Fields Biliterate and all World Language fields are relocated from the Attendance Information section to the Program section.
  • The CARES Act Funds drop-down descriptions are updated as follows to improve page display:

(1) Used CARES Act Funds for remote learning and home internet provision
(2) Used CARES Act Funds for remote learning but no home internet provision
(3) Used CARES Act Funds for home internet provision only
(4) Did not use CARES Act Funds for remote learning or home internet provision

PSSR-222208NJ SMART SID Management Extract: Report Updates

NJ SMART SID Management Extract Report: Version 2.8
If the NJ Student Retained field [S_NJ_STU_X]Retained_TF is set to 'Yes' then report value 'Y' else calculate the value using the following logic:  Identify the grade level of the student's current enrollment and compare to the grade level of the student's last enrollment in the previous school year. If the grade level values are the same, then report value 'Y'. If grade-level values are not the same, report value 'N'.  Note: An override of N will be supported in the next release.

PSSR-256835NJ SMART Teacher Name (Override) Fields Update

The NJ SMART Teacher Last Name and First Name fields are updated to accept an apostrophe.

PSSR-203071New Feature for NJS SID Tab: CDS Code Copy Function to Assessment Location Fields for NJSLA

The NJS SID tab is updated to include a new feature that allows override values entered for any of the CDS Code fields (Resident/Receiving/Attending) to be copied to either or both of the NSJA  Assessment Location Code fields (Accountable County/District/School and/or NJSLA Testing Site County/District/School).  The Reset button allows the selected copy process to be cleared prior to submitting.  The copy is executed when the Submit button is clicked and stores the displayed value to the selected location.  The stored value is visible when viewing the student NJSLA tab.

PSSR-257677Health History and Appraisal Report (A45): Extract Physical Examination Comments

Health History and Appraisal Report, Reporting Version: 2.0

The Health History and Appraisal Report is updated to extract the comments entered in a student's Physical Examination record in the Health Module (first 500 characters).  The report will display 10 empty rows if no comments have been entered to support write-in entries.

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