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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-257368All States/Provinces: Digital Equity and Learning Preference link Is Visible on Public Portal When Disabled

Digital Equity and Learning Preference public portal data entry has been updated and will no longer be visible when the district-level preference has not been enabled. Additionally, when enabled, the icon in the public portal will display on the left navigation bar as expected.

PSSR-251616All States/Provinces: Clock In / Clock Out Report completes successfully

Clock In / Clock Out Report: Version 1.2
The Clock In/Clock Out Report completes successfully for schools with multiple FTE's.

PSSR-252757Health History and Appraisal Report (A45) for Physical Examinations from Enhanced Health Updates

Health History and Appraisal Report: Version 1.8
A new section is added to extract student medication from the Health Module on page 2 of the report.  The Physical Examination section is updated to extract date and referral data on page 2 of the report.  Attachment indicators for exemptions and provisional admission are included on page 1.

PSSR-244910Improved Performance for NJ Attendance Summary by Grade/Program

NJ Attendance Summary by Grade/Program Report: Version 6.4
Improved the performance of the report code to extract the report output faster when "Use Two Session Meeting Attendance" flag is set to "Yes".

PSSR-252865NJ SMART SID Management Extract Report Updates

NJ SMART SID Management Extract Report: Version 2.7
The SMART SID Management Extract Report is updated as follows:

  • The School Exit Date and School Exit Withdrawal Code field extract null if the Status field is A.
  • The Gifted and Talented is extracted from [S_NJ_STU_X_]Gifted_And_Talented.
PSSR-252704NJ SMART SID Management Extract Report Update

NJ SMART SID Management Extract Report: Version 2.7
The SMART SID Management Extract Report is updated to report a value of 0 for a student with 0 days in membership/present.

PSSR-253875NJ Student Health History and Appraisal Report Update

NJ Student Health History and Appraisal Report: Version 1.9
The following error "ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got CLOB" that appears when you run the report with PS version 19.11 is fixed.

PSSR-202680New Feature for the SLA-S Tab

When navigating to the NJSLA-S tab, the following updates are displayed:

  • SLA accountable site is renamed to NJSLA-S Accountable site in the SLA-S tab in the CDS code override section.
  • Copy Functions are now added to allow the values stored on the NJSLA tab for Accountable and Testing Site fields to be copied to the NJSLA-S Accountable and Testing Site fields.  Once the copy button is selected, submit to save.
  • The note for Accountable School Country Code on the NJSLA tab is updated to display the stored/default values more accurately.
PSSR-254982Student Course Roster 2020-21: New Field Dual Institution

The Course Submission Information section has been updated with a new Field Dual Institution. The field will accept only numeric values and a hyperlink has been added adjacent to the text field which helps the user to select the appropriate code from the Popup page.
The new field will be displayed only if the Course Type is 'C'.

PSSR-255097Student Course Roster 2020-21: Report Update

A new column is added at the end of the file with the header name DualInstitution.  Data for this column is extracted based on the student's enrollment in a course with a value for the DualInstution field.

PSSR-254884Update CTE Assessment List to Include Additional Codes

The list of available test names for CTE testing is updated to include additional assessment codes on the CTE tab.

PSSR-254959Update for NJ Course Course Submission Information Section

The NCES Course Identifier field on the Edit Courses page is updated to discontinue values that are no longer available for selection and to include new values.  The new values on the drop-down list display based on the NCES Subject Area selected.

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