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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-277768NJ SMART State Assessment Registration UI Updates for 2021-22

To support the 2021-2022 assessment registration, the student assessment data entry pages are updated as follows:

Start Page > Student Selection > New Jersey State Information > NJSLA page is updated with the following:
• ELA State Assessment Name field is updated to include NJGPA in the description for all appropriate values.
• Math State Assessment Name field is updated to include NJGPA in the description  for all appropriate values.
• Tier For Paper Tests field is updated to discontinue the '-' value in the drop-down and modify the description for C to '(Awaiting definition, will update upon receipt)'
• Page validation is added as values "()&/+" are not valid values for the following fields:
Fields: ELA Assessment Session Location Override
Fields: Math Assessment Session Location Override
• Test code update for Math Test Code Override: (MATGP) Math Graduation Proficiency Test is added.
• Test code update for ELA Test Code Override: (ELAGP) ELA Graduation Proficiency Test is added and ELA10 is discontinued.
•  Description update only for NJ ELL Status to modify the years.  The descriptions now display as follows:
F1= Exited ELL status on or after 7/1/21 up to the current test administration dates and is NO longer an ELL.
F2= Exited ELL status anytime on or after 7/1/20 through 6/30/21 and is NO longer an ELL.
F3= Exited ELL status anytime on or after 7/1/19 through 6/30/20 and is NO longer an ELL.
F4= Exited ELL status anytime on or after 7/1/18 through 6/30/19 and is NO longer an ELL.

Start Page > Student Selection > New Jersey State Information > SLA-S page is updated with the following:
• A new field is added to store the Science Test Name for students.  One of the following NJ SMART Test Code values can be selected and stored in [S_NJ_STU_X]Science_Test_Name
(2) ACCESS for ELLs 2.0
(3) DLM
(4) ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 and DLM
(5) NJSLA/NJGPA and ACCESS for ELLs 2.0
• Test Code update for the Test Code Override field: (SCNT) Not taking NJSLA and taking DLM for the Science Assessment is added.

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