State Reporting Release Notes
A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.
Reference | Summary | Release Note |
PSSR-220934 | New - Copy Function for Student CTE CIP Code | To aid in entering the CIP Code value for a CTE participant, a new feature has been added. On the student CTE tab, a new Load CIP Code button is added next to the CIP Code field. When the button is clicked, a function is executed that searches the student's current classes for an enrollment in a CTE course that has a value in the Primary CIP Code field. The value stored in the Primary CIP Code field is copied to the student's CIP Code field. If the student has multiple CTE course enrollments, the CIP Code for the most recently enrolled course is selected. |
PSSR-214148 | New - NJ SMART SMID and Staff Submission Extracts Data Entry Fields | New Staff fields are added to the Teacher/Staff page to support the NJ SMART data collection for the Staff Submission and SMID submissions. All fields can be accessed by selecting the NJ SMART Staff Information link located at the bottom of the Information page for all staff. The fields are grouped by submission, with the exception of the data elements collected in both submissions, which are listed at the top of the page. Data elements submitted when creating the teacher/staff profile do not have to be resubmitted. The previously entered value is displayed with a hyperlink to the data entry location. A future update to the staff assignment information will provide an enhanced description display. |
PSSR-194108 | New - NJ SMART SMID Submission Extract | NJ SMART SMID Submission Extract: Version 1.0 The NJ SMART SMID Extract is now available on the System Reports > State tab. The report generates one record per staff/teacher from the data entered on the NJ SMART Staff Submission page. Staff selection is based on the Home School of the staff/teacher and on the school(s) selected in the Schools parameter when the report is run. |
PSSR-194107 | New - NJ SMART Staff Submission Extract | NJ SMART Staff Submission Extract: Version1.0 The NJ SMART Staff Submission report extracts Staff data in the format required by NJ SMART to allow users to download and then upload the file for submission. The data is extracted from core fields on the Staff Information page, and the Staff Submission section of the NJ SMART Staff Information page for ALL staff. One record per staff/teacher is generated based on their Home School. The report can be run from both the School and District levels. |
PSSR-193855 | New - Parent/Guardian Refuses to Provide Birthplace Info Field | A new field to indicate that a Parent/Guardian refuses to provide birthplace information is now added on the NJ SID and Enroll New Student pages. The field is located below the "Country of Birth" field on the NJ SID tab and below "Include in CTE Report" on the Enroll New Student Page. |
PSSR-234678 | New - Report Parameter to Print Student State Number on Attendance Register | A new report run-time parameter is available when running the Student Attendance Register Report to allow the printing of the student's SSID ([Students]State_StudentNumber). The parameter label is "Display Student State ID Only" with a checkbox. When the checkbox is selected, the report prints Student SSID instead of Student Name. The checkbox is cleared by default, to print the Student Name. |
PSSR-219822 | State Data Submission Run-time Validation | NJ SMART State Data Submission - Student Extract: Version 5.9 When running the report, the selected Snapshot Date must be an In-Session day in accordance with state requirements. If the selected Snapshot Date is not an In-Session day for the selected school(s), a validation message will display: "The selected date is not an In-session day. Please select a date that is in session." |
PSSR-230964 | NJSLA Tab: Update to Label Note for ELA and MATH Test Code Override | The label note for ELA Test Code Override previously read as "Note: If blank, ELA Test Code will be determined by student's class schedule if enrolled in a Language Arts course with appropriate NCES Subject Area." It is updated to read as "Note: If blank and no enrollment is found, ELA Test Code will be determined by student's Program Type Code, else grade level if blank." The label note for Math Test Code Override previously read as "Note: If blank, Math Test Code will be determined by the student's class schedule if enrolled in a course with appropriate NCES Subject Area for Algebra I, Algebra II or Geometry." It is updated to read as "Note: If blank and no enrollment is found, Math Test Code will be determined for grades 3-8 by student's Program Type Code else grade level if blank." |
PSSR-235464 | Page Validation for NJ Staff Information Fields | Validation is added to the NJ SMART Staff Information tab to aid in accurate data entry for the Staff Submission and SMID Extracts. Messages indicating the expected format (such as data type or data length) and field dependency are displayed. |
PSSR-235321 | Staff Assignment Page: Tool Tip Functionality to Display Stored Values | The Staff Assignment section of the NJ SMART Staff Submission page is updated to include Tool-tip functionality to provide a detailed description of the stored staff values by hovering over the numeric value displayed. The feature is added for the following fields: