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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-230469NJ SLA-S (Student Learning Assessment - Science) Report: Update for Column BY

NJ SLA-S (Student Learning Assessment - Science) Report: Version 2.0
The report is updated to extract a value for column BY, Math/Science Accommodated Response. When a value is selected and stored for a student in the [S_NJ_STU_X]ASSESSMT_MS_ACCOMM_RESP field on the SLA-S tab, the stored value is extracted. If there is no value in the field, then no value is reported.

PSSR-230736NJ SMART Course Roster Submission: Update to DOB Format

SMART Course Roster Submission: Version 1.9
The report is updated to extract the format for DOB as YYYYMMDD to meet the requirements for reporting this data element.  A previous update extracted the element multiple times and shifted the remaining columns in the output file.

PSSR-232071NJ State Assessment Registration Report: Update to Student Selection for Grade 12 DLM

NJ State Assessment Registration Report: Version 2.5
The NJ State Assessment Registration Report is updated to include Grade 12 students who have an Assessment Override value of (3) DLM. The previous report logic validation, which restricted Grade 12 students from being reported, is modified as indicated.

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