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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-224864CDS Code Updates

The CDS code field is updated to reflect the published County/District/School codes as of January 2020.

PSSR-222309NJ ASSA Enrollment On Roll Full Counts Are Incorrect

NJ ASSA Enrollment Update: Version 2.2

The NJ ASSA Enrollment report was showing inaccurate grade totals because it calculated both full-time and shared-time students for the On Roll Full count, instead of counting just the full-time students. Now, when the report is run with the report parameter Detail Report set to No, the count for the On Roll Full is correct and the grade totals are accurate.

PSSR-226891NJ Pre-ID Test Labels for Algebra I & II Report: Logic Update for Student Gender

NJ Pre-ID Test Labels for ADP Algebra I and II: Version 2.3

The report is updated to extract the value in the [Students]Gender field. If the field is blank, the value is extracted from the student Legal Gender field.

PSSR-224879NJ SMART Course Roster Submission- Student Extract - Updated to include Preferred or Legal Name Option

The NJ SMART Course Roster Submission - Student Extract: version 1.8.

The report is updated to include the option to choose whether to use the student's legal or preferred name on the report.

PSSR-226515NJ SMART SID Management Extract: Logic Update for Student Gender

NJ SMART SID Management Extract: Version 2.1

The report is updated to extract the value in the [Students]Gender field. If the field is blank, the value is extracted from the student's Legal Gender field.

PSSR-224289NJ State Assessment Registration Report Update

NJ State Assessment Registration Report: Version 2.4

When running the State Assessment Registration Report, if the StudentRace table contained more then one of the same RaceCD value for a student, the error "ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row" was displayed. The report is updated to select a single student race record when a duplicate record is found.

PSSR-224223NJ State Assessment Registration Report Updates

NJ State Assessment Registration Report: Version 2.4

The NJ State Assessment Registration Report is updated as follows:

  • ELA11 is no longer extracted as a test code for Grade 11 students.
  • The report now completes successfully without error after importing records with more than one RaceCD for a student.
PSSR-226776NJ State Assessment Registration Report: Filler and Gender Field Updates

NJ State Assessment Registration Report: Version 2.4

The report is updated to extract the value in the [Students]Gender field. If the field is blank, the value is extracted from the student Legal Gender field. In addition, a new column, FillerField11, is added after the NJSLARetest column.

PSSR-226774NJ Student Learning Assessment Report (NJSLA): Logic Update for Student Gender

NJ Student Learning Assessment Report (NJSLA): Version 2.9

The report is updated to extract the value in the [Students]Gender field. If the field is blank, the value is extracted from the student Legal Gender field.

PSSR-226691NJSLA-S Tab Update: Math/Science Accommodation

A new field for Math/Science Accommodation is added on the State/Province - NJ > NJSLA-S tab.
Default value is blank.
Valid values are:
(01) Speech-to-Text
(02) Human Scribe
(03) Human Signer
(04) External AT Device

PSSR-226775Student Learning Assessment - Science Report (NJSLA-S): Logic Update for Student Gender

NJ SLA-S (Student Learning Assessment - Science) Report: Version 1.8

The report is updated to extract the value in the [Students]Gender field. If the field is blank, the value is extracted from the student Legal Gender field.

PSSR-226697Student Learning Assessment - Science Report (NJSLA-S): Home Language Field/Column Update

NJSLA-S Report: Version 1.8

The NJ Student Learning Assessment-Science (NJSLA-S) Report output file column N is updated to extract the value from the Home Language field on Start Page > Student Selection > New Jersey State Information > NJS Student tab.

PSSR-226708Student Learning Assessment Report (NJSLA): Home Language Field/Column Update

NJ Student Learning Assessment Report: Version 2.9

The NJ Student Learning Assessment (NJSLA) Report output file is updated to display the header name Home Language as column N and to extract the value from student Home Language field on the Start Page > Student Selection > New Jersey State Information > NJS Student tab.

PSSR-224288Student Learning Assessment Report (NJSLA): Report Error Generated When Duplicate Race Records Found

NJ Student Learning Assessment Report: Version 2.9

When the report was run, if the StudentRace table contained more then one of the same RaceCD value for a student, the error "ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row" was displayed. The report is updated to select a single student race record when a duplicate record is found.

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