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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-249047NJ SMART SID Management Report: CARES ACT Data Elements

NJ SID Management Report: Version 2.5

The NJ SMART SID report is updated to include the following data elements:

  • RemoteDaysMembership
  • RemoteDaysPresent
  • CARESActFunds
  • SPESubmissionOfAssignments
  • SPEParticipationInAssessments
  • SPEOnlineLearningPlatforms
  • SPECoachingOrCheckIn
  • SPEElectronicCommunication
  • SPERemoteLearningHelpLine
  • SPESynchronousOnlineClass
  • SPEOther
  • StudentDeviceOwner
  • StudentDeviceType
  • StudentInternetConnectivity

Note: The identified fields are extracted from the student NJS SID tab.  Remote Membership/Attendance data is calculated for the dates provided only if the student override field is blank.  School setup must include an attendance code with an attendance code category of RemoteP (for remote present) and RemoteA (for remote absent) in addition to complete attendance setup and student enrollment for proper calculation.

PSSR-251444NJ SMART SPED 2020-21 Update: UI Update for Special Education ClassificationA new value of  '18 - Grade K but previously Preschool classified as 12-Preschool Child with a Disability and Undergoing Reevaluation', is added to the Special Education Classification field value list to meet the new requirements for NJ SMART submission.  The field is located on the Student SpEd tab.
PSSR-250188NJ State Assessment Registration UI Updates: New Data Elements and New Field Values

The Student NJSLA tab is modified to include the following changes:

  • Three new fields are added at the bottom of the NJSLA tab and added to the [S_NJ_STU_X] table.
    • FirstHSMathAssessment_YN
    • SpeechToTextWordPrediction
    • StudentsLearningModel

  • The year values in the descriptions for field NJ ELL Status are updated as follows:
    • F1= Exited ELL status on or after 7/1/19 up to the current test administration dates and is NO longer an ELL.
    • F2= Exited ELL status anytime on or after 7/1/18 through 6/30/19 and is NO longer an ELL.
    • F3= Exited ELL status anytime on or after 7/1/17 through 6/30/18 and is NO longer an ELL.
    • F4= Exited ELL status anytime on or after 7/1/16 through 6/30/17 and is NO longer an ELL.

  • The year values in the descriptions for field Former IEP is updated as follows:
    • F1 = Former Year 1 2019-2020 SY
    • F2 = Former Year 2 2018-2019 SY
PSSR-250260NJ State Assessment Registration Report Updates

NJ State Assessment Registration Report: Version 2.7

  • The NJ State Assessment Registration Report is updated for 2020-2021 to include the following changes:
    • Four new data elements are included in the file output:
    • TestAdministration
    • FirstHSMathAssessment
    • SpeechToTextWordandPrediction
    • StudentsLearningModel

Note: The data for these elements is extracted from the student NJSLA tab with the exception of TestAdministration.

  • A new parameter "Test Administration" is added to the report runtime page with the following selections:
    • FA = NJSLA Fall Block (High School ELA/L and Math assessments only)
    • SU = NJSLA Summer Administration (High School ELA/L and Math assessments only)
    • SP = NJSLA Spring Administration (All ELA/L, Math, and Science assessments)
    • NJ = ACCESS for ELLs or DLM Spring Administration

Note: Field "TestAdministration" in the report output is populated with selected value for all students in selection.

  • The logic for GiftedAndTalented is updated to report Y if the student is identified as Gifted and Talented on the SID tab OR NJSLA tab. N is reported if both fields are set to No.
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